Yearly Archives: 2018


One Heart

2018-10-09T08:03:23-04:00October 9th, 2018|

Gifts.  We send them to you all the time.  Do you see them?  You do not have to see them with your physical eyes.  Do you recognize the signs that you are in this world but not of it, that you are connected to the vast web of be-ing, an [...]


2018-10-08T07:51:39-04:00October 8th, 2018|

When an astronaut goes off to explore outer space, does he or she do so alone?  No.  It is a team effort.  He willingly goes to an environment where he knows he will be challenged.  He willingly goes to a place where things are far different than life as he [...]


2018-10-07T07:39:54-04:00October 7th, 2018|

Does the sun need to do anything to shine?  No.  Shining is its very nature.  Do you need to do anything to shine?  No, for the Light of God is who you are.  Does the river need to do anything to flow?  No.  Flowing is its nature.  Do you need to [...]

The Simple Truth

2018-10-06T08:28:08-04:00October 6th, 2018|

The most basic question a human can ask is, “Who am I?”  Your suffering, all of it, comes when you identify “I” with the one inside a body.  Nothing could be farther from the truth in the human lineage.  In the human lineage, you are the farthest from the Source.  [...]


2018-10-05T07:29:45-04:00October 5th, 2018|

It may not be your way of doing things, but does that make it wrong?  Why is there diversity?  Why is there more than one type of flower?  Are you enjoying the variety, or have you missed the whole point?  Why are there various breeds of puppies?  Why have so [...]


2018-10-03T07:47:17-04:00October 3rd, 2018|

Guided.  This is one way of looking at you as a human playing a role.  Guided by whom?  By a deity separate from you, or by friends at a higher level who are a bit more “realized” than the role player identifying with the role?  If you assume the awareness [...]

Patiently …

2018-10-02T07:48:22-04:00October 2nd, 2018|

Patience.  Is it not a virtue?  And why do so many lack it?  For they fail to see the magic and the wonder in each moment as life unfolds.  They only see the end goal, missing in the process, the passing of the ball from player to player and all [...]


2018-10-01T07:37:46-04:00October 1st, 2018|

Can you imagine a world in which all beings knew they were not separate?  Imagine a world in which all beings knew they were the same Wellspring of Love bubbling up in the form of each other.  Envision that world, wherein all beings, when they looked into each other’s eyes, [...]


2018-09-30T08:18:00-04:00September 30th, 2018|

No rigidness. This is an excellent goal.  But you always do it this way or that is your immediate reply, and we are well aware of that.  Habits are helpful to the human.  Surrender is salve for the soul.  How do you know what more wondrous things will occur if [...]


2018-09-29T07:48:00-04:00September 29th, 2018|

Examine your stories.  Do they change?  If not, you may be stuck in limitation.  Life is about change, flow, growth.  You may have believed and shared one thing at one time, and now what?  Have new experiences changed the way you understand life?  Change the story.  Flow with life as [...]

Balancing Energy

2018-09-28T08:04:18-04:00September 28th, 2018|

Why do you not sleep well in a “strange” place?  Your energetic field is working to come into alignment with energy with which it is unaccustomed.  Give it time.  Balance is the natural state in nature and all beings.  Does not the physical body seek homeostasis?  So it is with [...]


2018-09-26T14:56:17-04:00September 26th, 2018|

Your love makes all the difference when connecting with higher consciousness.  You are like a radio antenna.  You not only receive transmissions, but you send out your own signal, so, in a way, you are a transceiver.  An inert antenna picks up very little.  What is the carrier wave?  Love!  [...]

In Conversation

2018-09-26T08:02:38-04:00September 26th, 2018|

Be impeccable with your word.  You have heard this before.  You always know your intention.  It arises from within, yet others will hear it based upon their history and their present.  Pause before you speak or write, and become one with the intended recipient of your words, written or spoken.  [...]

Only Light

2018-09-25T08:01:46-04:00September 25th, 2018|

Rainbows are a refraction of Light — all of your known colors on a spectrum diffracted so that they seem to be separate colors.  They are magical to you, for they seem to appear out of nowhere.  They are magical, for they allow you to believe what the soul already [...]


2018-09-24T07:48:36-04:00September 24th, 2018|

You do not need darkness to meditate. You do not need silence. All that is needed to connect with higher consciousness is a willingness to loosen your grip on this reality you call “life” and fall backwards. In that one statement is more than one statement that is liable to [...]

Thanking Goodness

2018-09-23T07:46:06-04:00September 23rd, 2018|

“What are the chances?” you exclaim in surprise.  And did you not ask for that exact sign, or that exact thing to happen?  Yet when it does happen, or it does appear, you are stunned.  When will you believe?  When will you stop questioning?  You see your bell curve and [...]


2018-09-22T05:32:12-04:00September 22nd, 2018|

An octopus has eight arms.  Are there not times when you say, “I wish I had more hands?”  And what would you do with them?  Do you not have enough to do as it is?  How long or how often do you sit still and simply practice being?  More arms [...]


2018-09-21T08:01:51-04:00September 21st, 2018|

“This viewpoint.”  That is what you are.  That is what all others are:  varying viewpoints of the One Mind.  What makes “you” any different from any apparent “other” person?  A different set of experiences.  And what are experiences?  Individual events made up of feelings, emotions, images, thoughts, and sensations, whether [...]

Repeating Patterns

2018-09-20T07:40:35-04:00September 20th, 2018|

When something happens repeatedly in your life, pay attention.  Ideally, you are paying attention to all of the connections around you, but the human is usually so wrapped up in the story-thoughts running around in the mind that they fail to notice their surroundings.  However, when something happens over and [...]


2018-09-19T07:31:06-04:00September 19th, 2018|

Why do you not sense the other realities more often?  Your focus is on your human story, as it should be.  You are here for the human experience.  When is it that you experience other realities?  In your dreams, for one.  You are quite familiar with this alternate state of [...]

Finding Peace

2018-09-18T06:27:06-04:00September 18th, 2018|

Meditation is a method of quieting the mind.  To what end?  To get to know peace.  What a silly thing - to need to practice to become acquainted with something that is naturally an aspect of your true nature!  And yet, so few know peace.  Look what helps you to [...]

Divine Providence

2018-09-17T07:31:41-04:00September 17th, 2018|

You cannot always explain why things unfold as they do.  “But I was ready to serve!” You say, “ready to do something good.”  Yes, and then your plans went awry.  And that is what we wish you to notice.  Your plans come from your perspective.  You are looking at life [...]


2018-09-16T06:24:22-04:00September 16th, 2018|

You can play whatever role you wish.  Is that not what you are doing now?  “But I do not like this role I am playing,” you say, and we reply, then, choose one that best suits your awareness in this moment, that best serves the growth of the soul and [...]


2018-09-15T08:45:03-04:00September 15th, 2018|

Each aspect of the One Divine Mind grows and enjoys through experience.  That is why personal experience is so important.  You may argue with another and say, “You are wrong!” Or “That did not really happen” and yet, if it was the experience of the other one, then that is [...]


2018-09-14T07:40:35-04:00September 14th, 2018|

You learn from each other.  This is why Source divided and multiplied itself.  How else to experience, to grow, to enjoy, and then to do it all over again and again and again?  How else to know love and all of its many aspects, and in the case of your [...]


2018-09-13T07:39:03-04:00September 13th, 2018|

You are a team, you and your guides.  You work together.  They can give you all the advice in the world, but if you do not follow it, well then ... “What if I do not hear their advice?” you ask, and we tell you that it need not be [...]


2018-09-12T06:51:52-04:00September 12th, 2018|

When you least expect it.  Is this not when some of your greatest surprises occur?  Why else would you call them a surprise?  You may think you know what is best for you.  You may ask for certain things to happen, and yet they do not.  And then, when you [...]

In the Flesh

2018-09-11T07:32:02-04:00September 11th, 2018|

Have you lived other lives?  Of course.  You may find it fascinating to delve into those lives.  What do they have to teach you?  They teach you what you have chosen to work on as a soul in those other lifestreams.  Worry not if they are past, future, or parallel [...]


2018-09-10T08:00:07-04:00September 10th, 2018|

When have you “flown off the handle”?  When have you “lost it”?  Do not steep yourself in those memories now, by all means.  Simply become aware that it happens.  And what is it that happens in these cases?  You become so embroiled in the role you are playing, so completely [...]

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