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So far Suzanne Giesemann has created 4560 blog entries.

In New Ways

2022-09-30T07:25:29-04:00September 30th, 2022|

Be willing to do things in new ways. Yes, what you are doing may be working, but you are a creator. Creators continue looking for new and improved ways of doing and being. Why stop where you are? This is not mean to put pressure on you, but to [...]


2022-09-29T06:56:46-04:00September 29th, 2022|

Do you trust enough to let go of the reins? You are being guided, you know. Or perhaps you do not know, and this is why you push and pull and stumble more often than is comfortable. What if you learn to say the equivalent of “Thy will be [...]

Shining Forth

2022-09-28T07:36:15-04:00September 28th, 2022|

You are in this together. What affects one affects all. You may not see this within your circle of family and friends, but you can rise above in awareness and see the web that connects all of you. Picture yourself as a lightbulb. You can turn it up or [...]

Above it All

2022-09-27T08:01:45-04:00September 27th, 2022|

Up, up, and away … beautiful imagery of arising in a balloon to survey all that is. Do this mentally, why don’t you, and experience your life from a higher perspective. It seems smaller, somehow, and it is, when seen in comparison to the grandness of your more spacious [...]


2022-09-27T10:08:17-04:00September 26th, 2022|

And now you rest after completing a task. For a while you can just be. But soon you will be doing again, and planning, and getting, and carrying out, for that is how it goes: Cycles of being and doing, being and doing, being and doing. Seek balance in [...]

Without Words

2022-09-26T04:06:16-04:00September 24th, 2022|

No words are necessary when you come to know the higher Self. You are a being of Light. No words are needed in the exchange of this Light. It contains all the information needed in a language that has no letters. Shape, vibration, color … these are the language [...]


2022-09-21T07:22:25-04:00September 21st, 2022|

Energy cannot be destroyed, merely transformed. Now see what happens when you transform your thoughts by substituting various words in place of energy in the foregoing sentence. God cannot be destroyed, merely transformed. Into what? Love cannot be destroyed, merely transformed. And Life cannot be destroyed, merely transformed. You [...]

Sowing Love

2022-09-20T07:49:14-04:00September 20th, 2022|

Whatever you do best, share it with others. What is your passion? Spread it around. Move awareness to the heart and feel the difference between “all mine” and “What is mine is yours.” There is Joy in sharing. There is Joy in giving. There is happiness in connecting, and [...]

One Face

2022-09-19T07:45:37-04:00September 19th, 2022|

Shapeshifting. You do it each time you take on a different persona. It is a bit like being a chameleon, but rather than changing your skin, you change the one within the skin. You take on a different persona depending on who you are with. Do you know that [...]


2022-09-18T07:40:26-04:00September 18th, 2022|

In a world in which nothing is permanent and everything flows, watch your assumptions. They limit you more than you may know. When you assume that another may not want to talk to you, you miss out on opportunities to engage and enjoy each other. You have certain words [...]


2022-09-17T13:30:11-04:00September 17th, 2022|

It is not a zero-sum game. There is not “only so much love to go around.” All is love—the connective tissue from which everything arises. You can give and give and give and no one ever runs out. If you forget who you are and do not give love [...]


2022-09-18T12:11:59-04:00September 16th, 2022|

Only through awareness are you going to change your world. The body will hold you prisoner without awareness. You are controlled by chemicals. They are part of the game of ego vs. soul. Will you allow yourself to get lost in the thought-patterns that pit you one against the [...]


2022-09-15T08:03:11-04:00September 15th, 2022|

The body is a beautiful example of how to process L.I.F.E. (Love in Full Expression). Within the human experience, there are ups and downs, opposites of every flavor. When you give the body food of every flavor, it breaks it down and sorts it into nutrients that help it [...]

Getting There

2022-09-14T07:44:15-04:00September 14th, 2022|

Do not ever give up on your dreams when you know that something great awaits you. At the same time, do not give power to the current situation that you are trying to correct. By saying, “I don’t” or “I can’t” you limit yourself. You are getting there. Always. [...]


2022-09-13T07:52:00-04:00September 13th, 2022|

Integration. This is the goal. To take soul awareness that peeks through the much-clouded human awareness and realize the sky and the clouds are all one. How to maintain awareness that you are both the clouds and the sky? With everything that meets the eye. See every moment. Make [...]


2022-09-12T08:36:36-04:00September 12th, 2022|

When one you know transitions to the next chapter in life, you experience a major adjustment. When one is known by many for many decades, all grieve together as you adjust to new names and faces in place of the one who graced your life with such dignity. Know [...]


2022-09-10T08:20:14-04:00September 10th, 2022|

You put injured people on a backboard to keep the spine straight and the head aligned. Do you know how important this is energetically throughout the day? Mind your posture. It mirrors the energetic conduit for the Life Force which animates the body. Stand tall if you can. If [...]

Beyond Time

2022-09-09T08:13:52-04:00September 9th, 2022|

Forever is a very long time. Do you see the lack of logic in this phrase? Forever denotes outside of time. "Never" is also outside of time. If it feels as if you will never again see your loved ones who have passed, you are wrong. You have known [...]

Balanced in Joy

2022-09-08T08:00:17-04:00September 8th, 2022|

Find the positives when you catch yourself in what you call a bad mood. It is the human tendency to focus on the negatives. This only keeps you trapped in one side of wholeness. You experience both sides of the spectrum of being. Balance is optimum. Awareness will allow [...]

Next to You

2022-09-07T07:25:28-04:00September 7th, 2022|

Juxtaposition. This is how you notice contrast. In a world of duality, the opposites are part of a spectrum, not separate. That thing you resist because it feels so contrary? That is part of the wholeness. Do not resist it. See it in juxtaposition. Feel it added to what [...]

Just Right

2022-09-06T11:17:41-04:00September 6th, 2022|

Look in your closet. Is it cluttered or neat? Is it overly organized or just right? How do you know what is just right? It is a feeling. If it must be orderly to the point of perfection, there is an anxious feeling with this. If it is cluttered [...]


2022-09-05T07:57:12-04:00September 4th, 2022|

Why are you so drawn to gazing at the stars? They are your lifeline. There is a part in you that knows all is connected. The stars glittering above form a net and you are caught in it. Stars glitter, reminding you at the deepest level that you, too, [...]


2022-09-03T09:12:11-04:00September 3rd, 2022|

The human mind cannot conceive of the Intelligence of which you are a part. You are not separate from this Field. Think in terms of a prism, and each of you has your unique angle. All is not as it seems. It is a shared experience, this life you [...]


2022-08-29T08:55:52-04:00August 29th, 2022|

You cannot build a house on a crumbling foundation. The same is true for connecting regularly with Spirit. There must be a foundation of stillness. Too many clouds passing through the sky clutter up your view. How much do you wish to know the higher realms and those who [...]


2022-08-29T08:47:18-04:00August 28th, 2022|

Vanilla. Is this not what you call something that is very plain? You like your flavors. They are more stimulating and exciting, but is it not more peaceful at times to just be? Balance is the goal. Have your 32 flavors but return to vanilla when things become a [...]

The Portal

2022-08-29T08:48:38-04:00August 27th, 2022|

When trouble comes, greet it at the door. Do not run the other way. Stand tall in the awareness that every experience is an opportunity to tune in to higher guidance and greater perspectives. As long as you remain in “only human” mode, you will experience fear, trepidation, and [...]

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