Suzannne Giesemann2023-07-26T01:17:20-04:00

“My mission has changed from serving my country to serving those who are dealing with the challenges of being human. You may feel broken. You may be wounded. But it is my greatest honor to help you discover you are a soul, and your soul is perfectly fine.” – Suzanne

Messenger of Hope

Suzanne Giesemann is a Messenger of Hope and the founder and teacher of The Awakened Way™ – a path to knowing Who you are and why you’re here. She is included on the Watkins’ list of “100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People.” A former U.S. Navy Commander who served as a commanding officer and aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, today she shares “21st Century Spirituality”, merging the latest scientific understanding about Consciousness with ancient spiritual wisdom. Her work provides stunning evidence of the existence of Universal Consciousness and our interconnectedness. She teaches proven methods that anyone can use to connect with all levels of Consciousness. Hear her message for all of us in this special video …

“Don’t take for granted that this life is all there is.” – Suzanne

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Special announcement –

The Awakened Way App is Here!

Daily Way messages, channeling sessions, videos, meditations, tools … all at your fingertips!


Where Do I Begin?

There really is a path to hope and healing.

Whether you’re new to teachings about the Greater Reality or well-versed in all things metaphysical, there’s something in Suzanne’s FREE e-guide for you. Download this treasury of resources and teachings to help you find the answers you need and links to all kinds of goodies!

Get your free booklet by CLICKING THE BUTTON below! All resources are hyperlinked for instant access.

“Your teachings have changed my life and couldn’t have come at a better time.”


The Daily Way messages are a collection of guiding, insightful, and loving messages delivered through Suzanne from her helpers in the higher dimensions, Sanaya. Join those who have come to experience and know through the power of these words what Sanaya tells us frequently: You are so very loved.

“Realizing we are not only human, the experience of feeling alone is over. Our connection to everything at the deepest levels is the fullness we seek.” – Suzanne

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