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So far Suzanne Giesemann has created 4560 blog entries.

With Aplomb

2022-05-20T08:01:13-04:00May 20th, 2022|

Mashed potatoes or “pomme puree”? Three distinct foods plopped on a plate, or plated with aplomb? There is an art to food these days, is there not? And so it is with life. You can live each moment paying no attention to the inherent beauty, or you may live with [...]

Just Because

2022-05-19T07:53:44-04:00May 19th, 2022|

At times your efforts to please another seem to be in vain. Why do you make them? Do not do so to get something in return. Do so because you are giving a gift of your love and affection. At the level of the soul, you are interacting with love [...]

Seeking Balance

2022-05-18T08:12:45-04:00May 18th, 2022|

What issues have you failed to resolve? What wounds are you carrying forwarded moment by moment just waiting to surface so that you can clear them away and restore yourself to a state of harmony? Your mind, body, and spirit know you are innately whole. They naturally seek balance. This [...]


2022-05-17T07:50:26-04:00May 17th, 2022|

If you were to pause and take a deep breath, oh what a treasure you would find! First, how much tension the body holds. Now let that go. Exhale long and slow. There, at the bottom of the breath is peace. You cannot remain here long, for this ongoing cycle [...]


2022-05-16T08:00:05-04:00May 16th, 2022|

Praise. You know it works wonders when you give it to others. You have heard it refer to giving gratitude to Source. Do not wait to receive it from others. Give it liberally to yourself, for you are an extension of the greater Self. There are far too many of [...]

Here and Now

2022-05-15T06:59:38-04:00May 15th, 2022|

This moment right here, right now, is all you ever have. The rest is memory or prediction, past or future, all arising here and now. Why is this important? Because here and now is where you experience peace. Here and now is where you can connect with any other being, [...]

Already Whole

2022-05-14T07:26:54-04:00May 14th, 2022|

Always do things for the right reasons.  How do you know what that is?  The soul is your very being. It is not apart from you. It speaks to you from a knowing of right and wrong, of the difference between self-serving—which comes from a place of fear and perceived [...]

Find This

2022-05-13T08:10:32-04:00May 13th, 2022|

Remembering to shift your focus is paramount if you wish to find peace. Peace is found in the external world, but only temporarily in response to events that engender the peaceful state. Each of you might differ in what these peaceful moments are. One might like music to enhance the [...]


2022-05-12T07:47:18-04:00May 12th, 2022|

Look for signs when you do not know which way to go, what choice to make. Do not signs along a highway direct you to take this turn or that, to slow down or be cautious? This is why you call the meaningful messages that are put in your path [...]


2022-05-11T07:52:30-04:00May 11th, 2022|

“Wouldn’t it be awesome?” Yes, in the modern vernacular, this is a most awesome way to manifest your dreams. You may have a vision board if you like, but to do so and insist that the items on the board play out exactly as you envision them limits you. Use [...]

Coming Together

2022-05-10T08:08:05-04:00May 10th, 2022|

When has violence ever solved a problem? When has shouting, calling names, and pointing fingers done the same? Oh, you may think it does, but what you are seeing is a temporary solution. What is the root of any challenge? Separation. The outcomes that result from violence and disharmony only [...]

Knowing Truth

2022-05-07T08:17:15-04:00May 7th, 2022|

Truth or Consequences. This was a show in which three people pretended to be the same person so that only one told the truth. There are consequences when you identify solely with the role you are playing in this life. The truth of your existence is that you are both [...]


2022-05-06T06:13:10-04:00May 6th, 2022|

You wish to know the difference between spirit and soul. It is all one. Words differentiate and cause you to see the separation that exists only as the one becomes the many. Spirit is the very essence of all that is: of you, your neighbor, your cat and dog, the [...]

With Gratitude

2022-05-05T07:58:54-04:00May 5th, 2022|

Gratitude. It is a leveling force, meaning that it brings all of you, no matter your differences, into resonance. Resonance is synonymous with harmony. You know harmony when you hear it, just as you recognize when things are out of tune. Gratitude is a tuning fork. Use it often and [...]


2022-05-04T08:06:09-04:00May 4th, 2022|

Distractions abound. All around you and even within the body are sensations and objects which cause your attention to wander, even when you wish to keep the focus on one thought or one thing. What to do?  Noticing the tendency to drift is a most excellent first step. You could [...]


2022-05-03T07:15:29-04:00May 3rd, 2022|

How will your life change if you do not get what you want? How will it change if you do? Look closely at your thoughts. This is the meaning of attachment: investing your happiness in something outside of yourself. Yes, objective things can bring happiness, but also pain. Are you [...]

Already Here

2022-05-02T07:23:07-04:00May 2nd, 2022|

“You push yourself too hard.” Perhaps you have heard this said about yourself. Why the pushing? Why the striving? We understand. It comes from this longing, this need, this feeling that something is missing. It keeps you looking, moving, doing, and yet, you never seem to “get there.” The reason [...]


2022-05-01T08:24:34-04:00May 1st, 2022|

Before you is an empty wall in a new house. Will you decorate the wall?  You can paint on it with crayons like a child or hang a picture. Will the picture be framed? Yes, to separate it from the others you will eventually hang there. Your true nature is [...]


2022-04-30T08:15:52-04:00April 30th, 2022|

Is it essential?  What is the root of this word?  Essence.  Your true nature is your essence. We are not speaking of the body or the mind, but that which is aware of both. A backpacker knows to carry only what is essential. If not, they become tired quite easily [...]

In Flight

2022-04-29T07:52:23-04:00April 29th, 2022|

Course corrections. These are made when you notice you have gotten a bit off track. Noticing is key. Otherwise, you could continue moving forward as you are and not realize you are going astray. How to notice before you miss opportunities? Well, opportunities lie in each moment, no matter what [...]


2022-04-28T07:57:36-04:00April 28th, 2022|

The synchronicities come one after another, pointing you in a certain direction, to a certain outcome. Pay attention to this word “certain,” for it can be understood two ways. In this case, the meaning is not random. The meaning is assured when the universe goes to great lengths to surprise [...]


2022-04-25T07:57:15-04:00April 25th, 2022|

The devil made me do it. Making a deal with the devil. What is this thing called a devil? It is not a person. It is a name given to that which is far out of alignment with goodness and light—your true nature. Humans have made this concept into a [...]


2022-04-24T08:33:53-04:00April 24th, 2022|

At times you may feel you do not live up to your ideal version of yourself. It is all experience. How does each experience feel? If you are measuring one against another, this will cause you to feel as a failure or as a winner. What if you simply observe [...]

Only Here

2022-04-22T08:29:21-04:00April 22nd, 2022|

Here is what you are looking for. It is right before your eyes and right behind your eyes. You speak in terms of here and there, and you find separation. Speak only in terms of here, and you will begin to understand better your true nature—the nature of Consciousness. This [...]


2022-04-21T07:55:38-04:00April 21st, 2022|

What triggers you may have no effect on another. Why is this? For you all have unique experiences. Even two people going through the same thing will experience it uniquely based upon factors too many to enunciate here.  Do not assume that others react as you do in all cases. [...]


2022-04-20T08:07:48-04:00April 20th, 2022|

What happens when you awaken from a bad dream? For a while you are off balance, until the perspective from outside the dream shows you that you are fine. What happens when you watch a dramatic film? If you allow yourself to become totally absorbed in the drama, for a [...]

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