Beyond the Drama
Drama, drama, drama. You go to your movie theaters on purpose to experience the excitement of the ups and downs. You get thoroughly sucked into the drama. You pay for this, and you enjoy it. But what of real life? When the drama gets to be too much, you suffer, [...]
There is nothing excluded when it comes to God. Source flows through everyone and everything. If you gaze upon another and think, “separate,” that is only in a physical sense. All are extensions of the one Infinite Intelligence. You could not gaze upon another without the Force being with you. [...]
Expect miracles. Be on the lookout for them. They are a’coming. What is a miracle? A coincidence of two worlds. Look up that word. In this case, it does not mean chance occurrence, it means side by side coming together of two worlds. This is no chance happening. The non-physical [...]
Ulterior motives. Be aware of those. Why are you doing a thing? Is it to help, or is it to get something for yourself? You see, there is a fine line here, for every time you help or serve, you do reap benefits. It can be no other way, due [...]
Black and White
Stare at a white screen and close your eyes, and what do you see? A black screen. Both exist as patterns. Both are equal and opposite. You have just as much potential in you for darkness as light at this level of experience, but all arises from a field of [...]
Do you not at times wish you could hit the backspace button on words you have said aloud, deleting them as if they had never been spoken? But you cannot. Regret is an excellent tool. That feeling of discomfort shows you there is a lesson to be learned, and every [...]
Are you scattered or coherent? If the former, this is how the guidance you receive from on high will seem to you. How to achieve a state of coherence? Gratitude will instantly center you, for you are focused on one thing, and that gratitude instantly raises your vibration. Picture yourself [...]
Singing to You
Yes, your loved ones who have passed will speak to you through songs. They will get your attention through those lyrics, and it is quite easy for them to do so, for they are patterns of Consciousness — Spirit in expression — just as you are. To send you the [...]
Woof! Its a God-Thing
Reading Messages of Hope aloud for the audiobook version proved to be an unexpectedly emotional experience for me. I wasn’t the only one choking back tears, as evidenced by the red eyes and sniffles of the sound technicians assigned by Unity World Headquarters to help me. I had forgotten a [...]
The Hand
Distractions abound. You are listening to the inner guidance, and then something in your external world grabs your attention, hastily yanking you “back to reality” as you put it. This happens. This is why it is so helpful to sit in the silence regularly and have a dialogue or monologue [...]
Just Be. May this be a trigger word for you to integrate what you know as your normal waking conscious state with the flow and ease of the Higher Self. Is your life effortless? Then you are not quite there. May this be an indicator. As you notice effort, pause, [...]
April 13, 2019
Suzanne Giesemann brings through a profound message of our oneness from Sanaya at the W-Holy You! retreat at Unity World Headquarters at Unity Village, MO on April 13, 2019. CLICK HERE for a written transcript of the session:
April 20, 2018
.fusion-body .fusion-builder-column-0{width:100% !important;margin-top : 0px;margin-bottom : 0px;}.fusion-builder-column-0 > .fusion-column-wrapper {padding-top : 0px !important;padding-right : 0px !important;margin-right : 1.92%;padding-bottom : 0px !important;padding-left : 0px !important;margin-left : 1.92%;}@media only screen and (max-width:1024px) {.fusion-body .fusion-builder-column-0{width:100% !important;}.fusion-builder-column-0 > .fusion-column-wrapper {margin-right : 1.92%;margin-left : 1.92%;}}@media only screen and (max-width:640px) {.fusion-body .fusion-builder-column-0{width:100% !important;}.fusion-builder-column-0 > .fusion-column-wrapper {margin-right [...]
April 13, 2019
Unity of Prescott, Prescott, AZ – Source, God, Ultimacy, Making Choices, Returning for another lifetime, Belief Systems and Suffering, Aligning the Two Worlds
Egos banter back and forth. What are you defending? A stance. A position. A viewpoint. Yet, it is not possible for another ego to view any situation exactly the same as you, for you all have different lenses, different filters through which you perceive the world. The world is temporary. [...]
Troughs and Crests
What is a rut, but a trough that has been made apparent by repeated use. But what if you saw a rut as the trough of a wave. Everything has an opposite in a world of duality, so what is the opposite of a trough? A crest! Hills are not [...]
Making a Difference
The light that flows through you is the same light that flows through every other. On the outside is sheathing. If you to were remove the sheathing, you would see one fibrous web of shimmering strands of light, connecting all of you. Call this the Christ Light if you will, [...]
Peace Be Upon You
Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with ... yes, you know the rest. Your peace truly does make a difference. If you see the glass half empty in all circumstances, know that you add this to the whole. Do you believe everything you see? Then close [...]
Your Tune
Like attracts like. Why is this? Resonance is an energetic phenomenon. You know when two notes are harmonious or dissonant. How do you become harmonious with more people? By focusing on the heart and being the presence of love. Love is the great equalizer. It is the ultimate harmony. You [...]