The Whole Meal
Yes, we teach in analogies. The teaching you love the most is that which assures you that those who have passed are as close as your breath. This is Truth. This, however, is the icing and the cake. What is more fundamental, the meat and potatoes, is the reason why [...]
The Sweet Spot
When parties of different cultures, different worldviews, differences of opinions can sit at the same table and give thanks, then you will know a joy that passes your current understanding. Then you will have discovered what truly matters. You all know each other at a soul level. Can you go [...]
Encouraging You
Holidays with missing friends. You are supposed to give thanks. You are surrounded by others who are celebrating, yet there feels as if there is a hole in your heart. You are so very used to the physical presence of loved ones who have passed that their absence leaves an [...]
Very Present
“Dead and gone.” Such finality there is in these words. This is why death brings such shock. One moment one you love is there and in just an instant they have passed. At this point you begin telling yourself you will never see them again, and that is when [...]
Your culture tells you what is appropriate behavior and what is not. You say there are certain topics that should not be discussed at certain times or certain acts that should not be performed in public. With these cultural beliefs, you inhibit the lower nature that could very easily get [...]
The Perfect Choice
Never question your worthiness. You may have made mistakes. All humans do. You did not come here to be perfect, but to perfect your ability to make choices. Any choice that brings more love into your world is the perfect one in the moment. Any choice that engenders separation is [...]
Moments to Trust
Whatever is happening, trust the moment. It is happening for a reason. If you cannot sleep, you are meant to be awake. If you cannot stay awake, you are meant to sleep. Be quite cautious of asking the question, “Why is this happening to me?” What if you ask instead, [...]
In Harmony
Music has much to teach you. Two notes played together: are they harmonious and resonant or dissonant and discordant? Each two people who gather are musical notes dancing and playing together. You can tell if you are in resonance with another from moment to moment. This “moment to moment” aspect [...]
Subtle but Present
Discernment. It is critical if you are to move forward in peace. “Does this ring true in my heart?” Move your awareness to this energetic center at the center of you and feel whether there is constriction or open spaciousness. “Do I follow this path or not?” Follow the same [...]
Trust the process. When your big plans hit a big wall, trust there is a reason. Could higher consciousness be protecting you from something you cannot foresee? Could Spirit be asking you to wait because something better is coming? Trust the process. Yes, it is disappointing when your plans don’t [...]
Catching Up
Death is not the end. You seek answers. You want to know, “Where did my loved one go? They cannot be gone forever!” and you are right. No body lasts forever, but the soul is eternal, for it is part of a larger being ... of be-ing, itself. Seek this [...]
Choosing to be Grateful
Let us return to gratitude. Yes, it seems self-evident that gratitude brings attunement with the higher realms, but how often does one forget to express it? You must engender it, this feeling of appreciation, when you are out of balance. You are given free will for a reason. Through your [...]
Right Here for Them
Be here for those who need you. You say in English, “Be there for them,” as if you have to go somewhere, but you do not. You are all connected in the heart. The heart is right here energetically. If you must go anywhere at all, go there, for there [...]
Here. Now.
When fear runs amok, it can really take off. It runs like a squirrel, zipping here and there, checking out all the places disaster could hide. It runs to the future. It runs to the past where all its little acorns of having seen possibilities fuels its crazy antics. Zip, [...]
In Relationship
Supports. Something that props up another thing. There are times when the weight of living can cause you to sag. Perhaps the body is ailing or weak. Perhaps the emotions are weighing you down. Who or what is there to prop you up? This is why the One divides into [...]
All Aboard!
Hatred is a divisive vibration. It can only be expressed when one forgets about the underlying unity that connects all of you. It is easy to forget that your basic essence is connection when one looks about and remains focused on sensory inputs. The physical senses are wonderful tools, but [...]
Start in the Heart
If there are many realms, where do you meet the one you are meant to interact with? Why not begin in the heart? It is the center of the center, the bridge to all realms. Yes, move your consciousness along the golden thread as high as it will go, stopping [...]
The Mediator
Deliverance. It means to be led out of a difficult situation. You pray for this, and we wish you to know that you can deliver yourself from evil through the power of harnessing your own thoughts. You have been taught how to think and act as a human by other [...]
Above it All
The sun is always shining, even when you cannot see it. If you have flown on an airplane through stormy skies, then you know the feeling of bursting through that thick layer of clouds and finding the brightness that has been there all along. What a perfect analogy to remind [...]
Impatience. It is the adversary of presence. What is happening around you this very moment? Can you hear the cat purr? The clock tick? Can you smell what’s cooking in the oven? Do you feel the warmth, the cold? You are alive! So many sensations surround you, and all of [...]
Experience Choices
Do you feel the tension rising? It is in the air. What does that mean? Tension is not a physical thing, yet you feel it in your physical body. Tension is an experience. Your thoughts are an experience. Everything you perceive is simply that: experience. Now you get to choose: [...]
To Be Savored
Never give up. Your growth is ongoing. The lessons may not always be easy, but they all lead eventually to Joy. You may feel you know nothing of Joy, but it is your fundamental nature. It is why you seek pleasure, for it is the human equivalent of this divine [...]