Hatred is a divisive vibration.  It can only be expressed when one forgets about the underlying unity that connects all of you.  It is easy to forget that your basic essence is connection when one looks about and remains focused on sensory inputs.  The physical senses are wonderful tools, but they are not the only means at your disposal for knowing your experience.  Dispose of the body and what is left?  Not darkness, but a Light so bright it will drop you to your knees that day when deliverance comes.  Deliver yourself before that sacred moment to awareness … awakening to a world beyond the physical senses, yet as close as your breath … a vibration subtle enough for now to miss it, but one that becomes as strong as a locomotive bearing down on you when you shift your focus from the physical to that which cannot be seen with the eyes.  The love train is always waiting for you to climb aboard, whether in a body or not.  Are you ready?  You bought the ticket before you came here.  Perhaps you can find where you put it. 

You are so very loved.