Inspirations from Suzanne

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One Big Web.

2021-07-09T21:54:54-04:00July 9th, 2021|

When I met Ingrid Honkala at an IANDS conference a few years ago, we held each other's gaze.  "I know you," I said, a bit stunned by the feeling of intimate connection.  "I know you, too," she said with a soft smile.  Neither of us had ever heard of the [...]

Reflections of Love

2021-02-21T21:50:26-05:00February 21st, 2021|

What are miracles, but signs that reflect back to us in undeniable ways the power of our True Nature. This past Saturday I gave a charity workshop called "Shedding Your Skin" to help you move beyond your fears (shedding your human "skin"/the ego) to freedom (the soul's innate state). We [...]

Some Changes for Suzanne and Ty

2018-12-18T20:40:28-05:00December 18th, 2018|

Some of you have heard the news that we are moving.  I want to make the announcement official now that our house is under contract.  Ty and I moved to The Villages, FL, eleven years ago.  This is the longest either of has ever lived in one place since we [...]

Born Free!

2018-12-16T15:09:11-05:00December 16th, 2018|

So many times when I'm inspired, I can’t help but think, “Why don’t all of us understand these truths that make our lives so much more peaceful?”  Just now while organizing my thoughts and notes for my April “W-holy You!” retreat at Unity Village, I was working on a module [...]

Life Review or Life Well Lived? An Essay by Lynette Setzkorn

2018-06-12T21:14:12-04:00June 12th, 2018|

The following essay was written by my dear friend and scheduling assistant, Lynette Setzkorn, after the passing of our mutual soul sister, Brenda Bollmann Baker.  I have been in near-daily contact with Brenda across the veil.  Read Lynette's amazing and important words about how we can make the most of [...]

A Set-Up from Spirit

2017-09-18T21:54:06-04:00September 18th, 2017|

I have been leading monthly webinars (open to all) to share the teachings I receive from Sanaya each month about how to raise our consciousness and connect with the other side.  Each two-hour webinar includes the latest magical moments from my interactions with spirit.  For September's session I invited several [...]

Is Mediumship Real?

2017-05-18T13:10:40-04:00May 18th, 2017|

Is mediumship real?  Are our loved ones who have passed really still with us, and can they communicate through mediums?  I know the answer to these questions is yes, but I understand why some people don’t know that. I deliberately don’t read the posts from bereaved parents on the Helping [...]

Way To Go, Carly!

2017-03-24T17:40:05-04:00March 24th, 2017|

Carly Hughes is one strong communicator from the spirit world.  She proved her presence again today in the most beautiful ways, first by giving her mom, my friend, Irene Vouvalides, the awareness of her presence.  Then, she answered her mom’s request to instantly play “their song” on the radio.  So [...]

Dream Catcher

2017-03-22T17:13:24-04:00March 22nd, 2017|

Here's a true "Wow!" story with evidence of how our loved ones who have passed continue to do their best to help us from across the veil.  I received the following email from a woman who I connected in a reading with her deceased husband.  She wrote: "Dear Suzanne, last [...]

2017-03-01T09:32:03-05:00March 1st, 2017|

What seems like a mistake or a blunder is so often a blessing in disguise. I had arranged for a calendar announcement in Minneapolis' "Edge" magazine to announce my "Serving Spirit" class there March 18/19. When I saw they had mistakenly not listed the class in the February issue, my [...]

Whats Your Motive?

2016-12-08T15:57:20-05:00December 8th, 2016|

May this quote by Viktor Frankl inspire you when your human fears threaten to hold you back from being the best you can: "Don't aim at success.  The more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it.  It cannot be pursued. [...]

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