Minor annoyances. They occur throughout your day and your life. They arise primarily from your demands that life go a certain way, that things flow the way you desire, but of course you are interacting with your fellow lights in human bodies, and so, there are bumps and direction changes [...]
We understand it can be confusing to live in the awareness of being both human and soul and also as one with All That Is. What perspective do you take? Whichever you choose! Whichever serves you and the greater good in the here and now moment. It is quite challenging [...]
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! What do these words mean? Without meaning, words are merely symbols. You give them meaning through group agreement. Words are necessary when there is focus on separation. When you move beyond separation to pure Being, no words are necessary. There is simply knowing. Words are a tool [...]
A special message delivered through Sanaya
"Your soul is my heart." God
Bend and Sway
A state of limbo. What does this mean? You are waiting for something to occur or for an answer, and that could go either way: either in your favor, as you would perceive it, or against your favor. The human does not like to be in limbo. You desire certainty, [...]
April 20, 2018
Unity of Prescott, Prescott, AZ - Source, God, Ultimacy, Making Choices, Returning for another lifetime, Belief Systems and Suffering, Aligning the Two Worlds. Click on the video below to enj Click Here for Transcript
The Best Medicine
Laughter is the best medicine, yes, after a large dose of love. Seeing the humor in a situation means you have risen above it. When you can laugh at yourself, even if wryly, you have noticed the drama. All is temporary in your world, save one thing—the part of you [...]
The Recipe
Do not get addicted to the highs, for they are followed by the lows. This is one of the rules, that Life in your world seeks balance. Oh, the highs feel so good. Joy! Exuberance! Love! There is nothing wrong with these, but you will then go to great lengths [...]
Reality 101
There is only one Mind. Yes, we are back to that, Reality 101. And that one Mind fragments itself again and again and again. Look around you. You see physical objects, people, animals, birds, and bees. All are creations of the Creator, of that Divine Thought. You are made of [...]
Again and Again
How do you connect with Spirit? Remember the words “both/and”. You are both a soul and a soul having a human experience. As long as you are breathing in a human body you will have the human identity, but with awareness that the greater part of you is the soul, [...]
Taking Flight
Take flight. Spread your wings and simply fly when life in human form becomes too challenging. Do we mean to fly away as if running away from your challenges? Not at all. They represent great opportunities for raising the quality of your consciousness. Too often the human gets caught up [...]
Wake-Up Call
Wake up! You hear an alarm as a clock or a phone rings and you obey it. You spring up, turn off the offensive noise, and change what you were doing. You go from sleep or rest to action. This is what you call “a wake-up call,” and it is [...]
On Purpose
What is a tool? It is an instrument used to perform work or a service. It is used by something other than the tool for a useful purpose. Is that not why you as a soul are having this human experience? You as a soul being human are a tool [...]
In Harmony
Everything and anything in your life can be used as an analogy, a metaphor, a teacher. Let us use music. Why do you like some songs and not others? It is a matter of resonance. When you feel a resonance with the tones, all is well. You are in harmony. [...]