Take flight.  Spread your wings and simply fly when life in human form becomes too challenging.  Do we mean to fly away as if running away from your challenges?  Not at all.  They represent great opportunities for raising the quality of your consciousness.  Too often the human gets caught up in the story and can see no way out.  Remember, please, you are far more than human, far more than the story.  You as Consciousness—a soul—are not stuck in your body.  Use your imagination—one of the greatest gifts of Consciousness—and fly, soar high above the you in the body and see your situation with a bird’s eye view.  Don’t things look quite different once you step outside the body?  There.  When you settle back in, having flown around a bit, having been gifted with insight from Higher Consciousness, the story can change as you make higher choices.  Do you see how it works, this living in two worlds as a soul in human form?