Monthly Archives: February 2010


Poem #223 So simple …

2010-02-28T19:22:19-05:00February 28th, 2010|

A smile- An instrument you use To show your pleasure When you choose. A frown - Yet another way To show your thoughts … A kind of play. You move your face And show your feeling. No need for words When all you’re revealing. But don’t you know That body [...]

Poem #222 You Need Not Fear

2010-02-27T19:23:36-05:00February 27th, 2010|

The whole of the Universe is yours. Gaze upon the stars and know That you are in them, and they in you … Beloved, You need not fear. With every step you take, Love is near Your very life is proof Of this – the greatest truth: You were born [...]

Poem #221 Living Now

2010-02-26T19:24:26-05:00February 26th, 2010|

Erase the bitter memories. Don’t linger in the past. There’s far more beauty in you now Than in things that never last. Focus all your thoughts and love On things that never change: On doing all that you can do… Things well within your range. Things like helping others, Giving [...]

Poem #220 Set the World Afire

2010-02-25T19:25:14-05:00February 25th, 2010|

Innovations… Brand new ideas From where do they rise? Genius comes in many forms This fact please realize. All minds are linked They work as one, Connected like a wire. If all could activate this link You’d set your world afire. So bright would be the energy, A loving, throbbing [...]

Poem #219 The Power of Your Thoughts

2010-02-24T19:25:57-05:00February 24th, 2010|

Sitting on the doorstep Feeling lost and down, With your chin upon your chest, Your mouth a heavy frown. You think you are alone in life That no one knows your pain. That others bask in sunshine While on you falls only rain. A shift in thoughts could shift your [...]

Poem #218 Harnessing the Power of the Spirit

2010-02-23T19:26:57-05:00February 23rd, 2010|

Certain beyond a doubt For this you should strive In understanding that your spirit Is what keeps the mind alive. There can be no death at all For the soul goes on forever. To understand this truth Should be your sole endeavor. Go within and feel the flow. The life [...]

Poem #217 A Look at Heaven

2010-02-22T19:27:48-05:00February 22nd, 2010|

Hurry to the future. Take a look ahead. What will your life be like After you are dead? So many wish to know What heaven’s really like. Are there truly flowers, Harps and music, and the like? Heaven is your self-same world. We live right here beside you. The difference [...]

Poem #216 Be Yourself

2010-02-21T19:28:53-05:00February 21st, 2010|

Trickery … Deceit … Mischievous lies … What comes to those Who put on a disguise And hide behind a mask of falsehoods? They cheat no one but themselves. Denied of pride Solitude’s a paltry partner. Yet alone you walk When in the shadow of deception Do you stalk. Emerge [...]

Poem #215 The Importance of Love

2010-02-20T19:30:36-05:00February 20th, 2010|

Look at everything with love. Hold nothing back at all. By your loving actions Are you seen at your last call. Success and gold mean little, Unless they’re put to use in service. For giving love to others Is your life’s intended purpose. The little things you cherish Cannot go [...]

Poem #214 What is Perfection?

2010-02-19T19:33:52-05:00February 19th, 2010|

It’s all perfection – Everything you see. It’s only your beliefs and thoughts That hide reality. You think that things should be one way, But you see with limited sight. With only partial vision How can you say what’s wrong or right? You need to step out of your box. [...]

Poem #213 Share Your Pain

2010-02-18T19:35:24-05:00February 18th, 2010|

Silent misunderstandings … Words that go unsaid … When if you only worked things out, You would find peace instead. Yet you keep your feelings Bundled up inside. There they boil and fester As you do your best to hide. Why this need to be closed off? What is it [...]

Poem #212 As Above

2010-02-17T19:36:29-05:00February 17th, 2010|

This poem flowed so quickly I could barely write fast enough. Just, "Wow." Build upon your knowledge base, But put your books away. All you need to understand Is the willingness to pray. All wisdom does await you. It flows through every cell. By quieting your busy mind All truth [...]

Poem #211 Finding Divinity

2010-02-16T19:38:54-05:00February 16th, 2010|

The beauty of a flower Reflects the greatest power. How can you gaze upon its face And not feel the touch of grace? Colors soft and bright Fill you with delight. So delicate the shape… At times you’re left to gape. Wonder … awe … These words describe The feelings [...]

Poem #210 The Bonds of Love

2010-02-15T19:40:16-05:00February 15th, 2010|

The theme of love continues ... The time has come to say goodbye. Our life on earth is short. I know I leave you feeling Like a ship without a port. You’ll drift awhile, feeling lost. My presence you will miss. The touch of fingers I’ll miss, too, Your soft [...]

Poem #209 Always Linked

2010-02-14T19:41:10-05:00February 14th, 2010|

An appropriate poem today for Valentine's Day ... truly another Message of Hope... When two hearts are joined as one They always will be linked. The bonds that do connect you Can never be extinct. For love’s a potent energy. It’s resonance is great. And when you share that power, [...]

Poem #208 Share Your Love

2010-02-13T19:42:54-05:00February 13th, 2010|

Sing aloud with all your heart. Let your voice ring out. When you feel the love inside, Don’t be afraid to shout. There’s far too little happiness In those who do surround you. But when you radiate your love, All will flock to be around you. Most don’t perceive that [...]

Poem #207 One

2010-02-12T19:46:53-05:00February 12th, 2010|

One is a singular number. It stands alone, all by itself. Like a solitary soldier… A single book upon a shelf. But One can hold true greatness. It encompasses all things. For in the oneness is completeness Both the good and bad that your life brings. Search your heart and [...]

Poem #206 Light

2010-02-11T19:47:42-05:00February 11th, 2010|

Sunrise, And light begins to fill the sky. The beauty of nature Appears before the eye. The warmth of the sun Can be felt on the skin. Warming the body Without and within. It’s light that pervades Every cell of creation. Pure consciousness drives Every thought and sensation. But from [...]

205 Believe!

2010-02-10T19:48:32-05:00February 10th, 2010|

Believe in yourself. It’s the best gift you can give. For when you believe, You let your soul live. Belief forms your thoughts And from them your actions. All consciousness causes Your acts and reactions. So if there is something You wish to achieve, Whatever it is, All you need’s [...]

Poem #204 Do Not Despair

2010-02-09T19:49:27-05:00February 9th, 2010|

Sinking, sinking into despair. Falling deeper, beyond repair. Or so you think. You cannot see a source of hope. You contemplate a gun or rope. And have a drink. Why so little thought of love? Why not seek help from up above? You must know not all is lost. Yet [...]

Poem #203 Survival

2010-02-08T19:50:58-05:00February 8th, 2010|

The hawk circles slowly in flight. Its wings as black as the darkest night. He scans the field for movement slight. Hoping for a tiny bite. With expert vision he does see Through the branches of the tree Where sunlight filters to the ground And down he swoops without a [...]

202 On Emotions

2010-02-07T19:51:57-05:00February 7th, 2010|

Guard your emotions closely. They’re a potent form of expression. With this form of experience You go from ecstasy to depression. Emotions are your lifeline. You hold them with the tightest grip. As if to let them drift away Your very life would also slip. Some people are addicted To [...]

Poem 201 Go With the Flow

2010-02-06T19:52:45-05:00February 6th, 2010|

Life is a journey. A river that flows into eternity. This piece of it upon which you float Is but a segment. You never know What lies around the next bend. Do not pretend You have all the answers. Relax and drift. Let the water carry you. No need to [...]

Poem #200 On Perfection

2010-02-05T19:53:58-05:00February 5th, 2010|

Perfection comes at a cost. With it creativity is lost. When you make things so exact There can be no room to act. This life is all about your growth. No need to stand and take an oath. It’s all a case of trial and error. Perfection only leads to [...]

Poem #199 Balance

2010-02-04T19:54:46-05:00February 4th, 2010|

Symptoms of sickness show up in the body. Pain, discomfort, a limb that is shoddy. Do not simply ignore what you feel. A symptom’s not the thing you must heal. Something inside is out of whack. Time to get back on track. Seek balance in your day. Match your work [...]

Poem #198 About Music

2010-02-03T19:55:34-05:00February 3rd, 2010|

A tone goes up, a tone goes down Creating harmony with the sound. Music is a lovely gift That’s meant to give your soul a lift. Break down the sound and you will see That like all else, it’s energy. Each specific tone vibration Imparts a noticeable sensation. Certain combos [...]

Poem #197

2010-02-02T19:56:19-05:00February 2nd, 2010|

A triangular fin Slices through the surface ... Menacing. Bathers run in fear Sensing danger near. Panic ensues. Mothers grab their children and run. The end of a day of such fun. Then up through the roiling froth Pokes a snout. A dolphin looks about. What’s all the fuss? There’s [...]

Poem #196 Paint on a Smile

2010-02-01T19:57:03-05:00February 1st, 2010|

Circus clowns with painted faces Smile all the time. Their happiness is painted on. They always appear fine. If you could only realize You’re like the happy clown … That inside you rests pure love… You never would feel down. Your spirit longs to be awake. It asks to find [...]

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