Perfection comes at a cost.
With it creativity is lost.
When you make things so exact
There can be no room to act.

This life is all about your growth.
No need to stand and take an oath.
It’s all a case of trial and error.
Perfection only leads to terror.

Fear not that you won’t get things right.
Play like a child – with sheer delight.
For that is why you’re here, you see:
To learn and grow and play with glee.

Study hard your habitual actions.
Do you always have the same reactions?
What would happen if you try
Something new? D’you think you’ll die?

Failure’s only a belief.
One that’s sure to cause you grief.
All acts are neutral, can’t you see?
Know this and you will be set free.

To live and serve is your great role.
In this way you become whole.
So worry not if perfection eludes you.
It’s false belief that still deludes you.

You are perfection at your core.
So strive to be it never more.
Relax and focus your attention
On being love – release the tension.

Only when you are thus freed
Will your emotions cease to bleed.
You will create a world of peace
When all your striving you release.