Monthly Archives: October 2022


The Tools

2022-11-01T04:16:04-04:00October 31st, 2022|

You do not have to heal the world all at once. You cannot. It is a work in progress, and progress is a process, a flow, a dynamic movement onward and upward. Yes, you will have quantum leaps, and yes, some slippage, but ever onward, ever upward is the [...]


2022-10-31T06:25:49-04:00October 30th, 2022|

You are one worth knowing. You are worthy of love. Trust this and shift your focus to others instead of the self and you will find this to be so. When you worry so much about what others think of you, you radiate a certain fear-filled energy When you [...]

Readily Available

2022-10-31T06:26:48-04:00October 29th, 2022|

Give the gift of touch. You focus so much on gifts of other types that you are missing one of the most valuable and the most readily available. What does touch say? “I care. You are valuable. We are connected.” This is a gift you can give freely, and [...]

Balancing Act

2022-10-28T07:24:15-04:00October 28th, 2022|

Life seeks balance Give and take. Thinking of self and thinking of others. When life is not flowing, seek first and foremost to find the imbalance. Do understand how a pendulum swings. The farther to one side the imbalance exists, it will equal out to the other. Perhaps you [...]

The Greatest Gift

2022-10-27T07:46:09-04:00October 27th, 2022|

What is the greatest gift of all? This may be answered in different ways depending upon who you ask and where they are in the journey of their human lives. For some it may be a material thing, to others, a feeling or sense of satisfaction. Do you know [...]


2022-10-26T08:51:12-04:00October 26th, 2022|

You are creatures of habit. How is that serving you? Could it be time to change some of your ways? What is not working for you? You already know what they are, for they show up regularly in those moments when you experience irritation. These flare-ups are a result [...]


2022-10-25T08:37:03-04:00October 25th, 2022|

If you enter the deep sea while in a human body, you take oxygen in a tank and replenish it if you wish to continue your explorations. Do you not see that the same is true for you as a soul? You have entered the human world, where it [...]

Hidden Gifts

2022-10-25T08:40:52-04:00October 24th, 2022|

You reach out to another for help and it is not forthcoming. Yes, you become frustrated, but can you see the opportunity here? Now you are open to other solutions and resolutions. You do not always have the highest perspective when in a human body. Can you trust the [...]


2022-10-24T08:41:50-04:00October 23rd, 2022|

You wish for opportunities to practice being spiritual? They are all around you, dear one. Do not wait until you are surrounded by like-minded people. That is too easy. Spirit has taken form within you for the experience of growing through the choice of giving love and being love when [...]


2022-10-22T08:10:51-04:00October 22nd, 2022|

Where is your focus? On self or others? There will always be an aspect of your thoughts and efforts on the self. That is the way of things for the human who appears to be separate. But we offer you the suggestion to shift your focus often as you ask [...]

Free and Fearless

2022-10-21T07:50:05-04:00October 21st, 2022|

Where there is fear, there are attachments. It is that simple. Attachments mean you are not free. You do not realize that there is a part of you that is open, spacious, and attached to nothing … that simply flows, simply is, and needs no attachments for it is already [...]

Think Bigger

2022-10-20T10:08:37-04:00October 20th, 2022|

Love is not what you think it is. What you believe love to be is but a fraction of this energetic Force that holds all things together. You experience connection and attraction with another and you call it love. Yes, this is closer to the idea than a mere emotion. [...]


2022-10-19T08:54:26-04:00October 19th, 2022|

Can you wait until the time is just right? How do you know when that is? There is a part of you that wants it now, now, now … that wants to rush and perhaps even get it over with. And there is a part of you that has already [...]


2022-10-18T14:05:24-04:00October 18th, 2022|

It is all about union, this life you are living. Communion, reunion … what do these words have in common? Coming together. Relationship beyond the self. Many of the challenges you face arise due to the focus on the self, which lives by fear. You may think you must be [...]

Without Fear

2022-10-17T08:08:08-04:00October 17th, 2022|

What are you afraid to talk about? The soul knows. Those insidious little fears fester under the surface. There is nothing to fear when you know you are so very loved. You learned as a child that you could get in trouble. What does this mean to you now, “to [...]

No Other

2022-10-16T09:01:40-04:00October 16th, 2022|

Treat every moment with equal importance, every encounter as if it matters, for each does. There are no accidents. Mine each interaction for the blessings yet unseen. Ask within to see how the coming together of two beings can represent more than the sum of its parts. You never know [...]

With Each Breath

2022-10-15T08:29:03-04:00October 15th, 2022|

With every breath you take, you breathe in the divine. Inhale and exhale. You go through states of being, from limited, to spacious, to unlimited be-ing. You are not only human or only a soul; you are part of one dynamic, flowing whole. Take advantage of this Awareness and [...]


2022-10-14T07:55:09-04:00October 14th, 2022|

Passive tense. You are told not to use it in good writing. It is the difference between “I am breathing” and “I am being breathed.”  If you believe you must always be the active one, doing, then you fail to discover that there is a greater aspect of all of [...]


2022-10-14T12:19:00-04:00October 13th, 2022|

Your world is changing That is what it does. Just as the earth upon which you rest never rests, life evolves. You are part of this evolution Your personal growth results from the changes around you and you change the world from the changes within. You are part of an [...]

Right Here

2022-10-12T08:23:03-04:00October 12th, 2022|

Your guides have always been with you. This is how it works. But you became so caught up in the story that your focus was drawn outward instead of inward. This is also how it works. You voluntarily go into human form for the experience, knowing it can be quite [...]


2022-10-11T08:37:11-04:00October 11th, 2022|

Why is it difficult for you to receive gifts? What thoughts are within you that say you are not worthy? Do you know that it is the very nature of the Universe to give? Look at a spring that spews forth endless supplies of water for all to drink. Listen [...]


2022-10-10T07:34:56-04:00October 10th, 2022|

When inspiration is not flowing, you cannot push it any more than you can push water. Yes, you can direct water for a while, but it eventually flows where it will, following the path of least resistance. So, resist not. Just be. Be still, be present, and wait, listening carefully, [...]


2022-10-09T08:44:19-04:00October 9th, 2022|

Mindset. What is this? Exactly as the word describes: you have set your mind in a certain way and all now unfolds according to this, for you are a creator-being. Be quite mindful of this mindset, whatever it is, for it is the generative source of how you see things [...]

In Harmony

2022-10-08T08:15:52-04:00October 8th, 2022|

Love the one you’re with. And if you feel you cannot, it is because something in their human words or behavior does not resonate with you. That is all. And that is all-important to the human:  resonance.  You decide whether you like or dislike another based on resonance, harmony. [...]


2022-10-07T08:29:52-04:00October 7th, 2022|

When you go on a journey, you take certain belongings with you. Of course, it is much easier to travel lightly. What is in the luggage you carry with you on your earthly journey? How much of it is really necessary? Are there things you are fearful of setting [...]


2022-10-07T08:13:42-04:00October 6th, 2022|

Abundance will flow as you align with the greater good. When your focus is solely on what you will gain from your actions, this is restricted thinking. Where there is restriction, there is lack of flow. Abundance results from flow. Think not of what you will get out of [...]


2022-10-05T08:30:55-04:00October 5th, 2022|

You do not have to follow the crowd. You learned to do so in your childhood when you had to walk lockstep with others for various activities. Group behavior is required whilst in human form from time to time, so by all means honor that, but question your behavior [...]

Your Lifeline

2022-10-04T12:38:55-04:00October 4th, 2022|

They are not dead. The body is no more, but the heart and mind you know and love lives on. You know this in your heart. Some call this denial to insist they cannot die. All depends upon perspective. From the human point of view, the earthly experience in [...]

New Patterns

2022-10-03T10:16:02-04:00October 3rd, 2022|

You speak of unconditional love and say you know it. Yes, but do you practice it? We assure you we are aware how difficult it is when in the human role. That little thing another does that causes you to bristle. What if you were to use this as [...]


2022-10-02T07:52:17-04:00October 2nd, 2022|

You say to-may-to and I say to-mah-to. What difference does it make?  Is one right and one wrong? That is merely a matter of perspective, of point of view. If all you have ever known is to-may-to, you cannot understand to-mah-to, and consider it wrong. The same goes for the [...]

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