Passive tense. You are told not to use it in good writing. It is the difference between “I am breathing” and “I am being breathed.”  If you believe you must always be the active one, doing, then you fail to discover that there is a greater aspect of all of you doing the doing.

Breathe. Now stop. Do, then just be.

As you sit simply being and focus on this passive state, soon something happens. You are breathed. “But I did that!” you say, taking credit for what many consider a function of the body and the brain and chemicals. Yes, and after the body takes its last breath? The part of you that is active will continue being.

What is this part that is active most when you are passive? Awareness, dear active one, This Aware Awareness that never dies. Awareness is breathing you for the Joy of it. Be breathed and breathe a sigh of relief. 

You are so very loved.