Without Fear
What do you do when you are afraid? Step away from your fears. How do you do this? Become an impartial witness. Take on a different role. Step across from the role you are playing as the fearful one and see yourself in full costume. Observe every thought, every gesture, [...]
Before and Beyond
Yours is a story that began before time. Yours is a story with no end. Do not think in terms of beginnings and endings, but in terms of sheer existence … of being. Of being what? Awareness itself. Before time begins each morning in your story, the very first thing [...]
The Easy Way
You have a saying that is quite worthy of remembering: “If it were easy, then everyone would be doing it.” Loving kindness in the face of anger. Unconditional love in the face of hatred. Why should you bother? If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. Do not allow [...]
Rage, rage, from where does it come? The potential for this explosive anger lies in every human. Blow up a balloon beyond its capacity to hold air and it will explode with a loud bang. What are you holding inside? What anger have you fueled but not released in a [...]
The Next Chapter
You know that one you love is dying. It is a challenging time, for you have spent a lifetime thinking that death is the end. What if you knew your loved one would soon be more present than ever, as close as your breath any time you think of them? [...]
There is the story of John, and the story of Mary, and the story of Ruth, and the story of Bill, and the story of Jose, and the story of Maria, and the story of … We could go on and name one million names, but none would be anything [...]
Living with It
You must live with your choices. That is why you are here in the world of this or that, yes or no, do it or don’t. “But I did something, and now everyone will …” Everyone will what? Judge you? Know that there is a human side to you as [...]
The Basic Ingredient
Love never dies. It is created and created through experience, through feelings and emotions, through beauty, through the story of you. A thing cannot be created from something it is not. Do you understand this? You cannot create a cake without its ingredients. You cannot create something from nothing. Love [...]
Plugged In
Like plugging a cord into a socket, you can energize and revitalize yourself. Imagine a shaft of white light surrounding you from as far above as possible and anchoring you into the core of the earth. Along this bright beam are nodes—points of light that connect you to the various [...]
Pointing Fingers
Do you not feel mass outrage at mass murder? How can one person inflict so much damage? It is not just one person. It is the mass consciousness of humans who believe that killing is justified. One human becomes the instrument of many. Be cautious now of pointing fingers at [...]
No Comparison
Not good enough. This is one of the human’s most oft-said phrases to the self. It comes from making comparisons. It is learned from others. Not good enough for what? Do you know who you are? A precious child of God. If you do not believe in God or wish [...]
The Garden
All thoughts are seeds. Which will you sow? Many, which come from observing human behavior, will be seeds of discontent. Will you water and fertilize these, or brush them away? You are the Gardener of the garden you are growing. What fruit it bears is up to you. Tend it [...]
Picture a gathering of your dearest friends. You might call them your soul sisters and brothers. You are of like mind. There is only love amongst you. There is no judgment and no competition, only acceptance and understanding. Now imagine that for the group’s growth and learning you will put [...]
Good Vibe Video #1: Awakening
I received so many positive comments about the three videos I sent out recently to those on my email list. People really resonated with the messages and the energy. We’re all bombarded with less than uplifting news these days, so I thought it would be fun to produce more of [...]