photo-1444703686981-a3abbc4d4fe3Like plugging a cord into a socket, you can energize and revitalize yourself.  Imagine a shaft of white light surrounding you from as far above as possible and anchoring you into the core of the earth.  Along this bright beam are nodes—points of light that connect you to the various levels of being of which you are a part.

The physical body is but one aspect of the fullness that makes up your higher self.  Breathe in this light that breathes you.  Breathe it in from above and below and fill yourself with Source energy.  Is it your imagination that you feel better?  That you feel lifted?  Some might say it is simply because you paused and took in more oxygen.  Could there be more to that oxygen than some see?  We daresay that if you do this practice often, you will be glowing with a vitality that those “some” may see, and then who will be the wiser?

You are the Light.  Breathe it in.