“my” vs. “My”
Guided always. That is what you are. You think they are all “my” thoughts. What if you were to shift your point of view to the state where all Consciousness is united, not apparently separate as it may seem to you now? Then “my” thoughts would be “My” thoughts, arising [...]
You are in this together. Pity, you were taught to go it alone. They say, “No man is an island,” but even islands are not separated from the mainland. Take away the water and what do you have? Contiguous land. You are all interconnected. So, when challenges arise, most especially [...]
In Whole and in Part
In order for something to get clean, something else must get dirty. In order for there to be physical life, there must be physical death. This is the dance, the back and forth, the sharing of polarities. To argue with this is to bring about suffering. Notice how the many [...]
By Way of Example
Exemplary. The word implies that a thing serves as an example. Used in a positive light, you hold it up as a model for others to emulate. What is the highest attribute a human can model? Loving kindness. This has naught to do with success or riches. Loving acts of [...]
Unique Expression
A necklace is made of many beads. Each is part of one whole. Which is more beautiful? A necklace in which each is exactly alike, or one with varied colors and shapes? Perhaps the answer is both. The way the beads are strung together is part of the fun, the [...]
You sit in a chair that is too small for your body. It limits your movement. What do you think it is like for the soul to inhabit a body? It is by choice that the soul incarnates. It does so knowing the limitations this imposes on the Light. It [...]
Growing Awareness
The passing of a loved one from physical to non-physical—what you would call death—is an adjustment, for you ordinarily can only see the ordinary. You are focused on the physical world to the exclusion of that beyond the senses. Were you able to travel the spectrum of Consciousness, which makes [...]
Don’t forget to flow. Forget? How could you forget what comes naturally? In the same way that you forget moment by moment that you are far more than a person in a body with a mind. How could you forget something as fundamental as being a being of light on [...]
A Joy of Its Own
Anticipation. It can be joyous and full of excitement, or unwanted and full of dread. Yes, it is the human way to look toward the future, but in so doing you miss the finer details of what is here and now. Being present is a practice. The mind wanders back [...]
Breaking Through
Breakthroughs in your level of consciousness, in your soul’s growth, happen incrementally. You are who and where you are due to every choice made previously. Are you ready for a breakthrough? Begin by setting aside the guilt. There is not one among you without regrets, be they big or small. [...]
The One Tone
Resonance … you see this effect when striking a key on a piano and other strings vibrate along with it, yet others do not. You recognize those with whom you resonate. There is one tone with which all will vibrate, and that is loving-kindness. It matters not if those on [...]
One Big Web.
When I met Ingrid Honkala at an IANDS conference a few years ago, we held each other's gaze. "I know you," I said, a bit stunned by the feeling of intimate connection. "I know you, too," she said with a soft smile. Neither of us had ever heard of the [...]
Sharing the One Light
You have differences. You label them political, religious, personal. What is a difference but a contrasting perspective. If one is looking out a window to the west and the other is looking out an eastward facing window and reporting their view, how silly of either to proclaim that what the [...]
Every moment is an opportunity. Imagine a map. You see many roads. At each intersection you can make a choice. “Do I turn here or not? Do I turn right or left?” Many times, you get on one highway and are afraid to take the turns that present themselves. One [...]
The Same but Different
You may have your differences, but you all grieve. You may not think alike, but you all love. You may look different, but you all bleed. You may have different ways of expressing yourselves, serving others, but you all suffer and rejoice. This is the human-soul combination. This is why [...]
Not a Matter of Believing
Trust. We cannot emphasize this enough. There is a greater intelligence guiding you that will guide you to fresh insights, answers to questions, comfort, and courage when needed if you will trust that it exists. This is not a matter of believing in God, believing in angels, and the like. [...]
Insecurity. The word means not feeling safe. For most of you, it means not feeling loved. “What will others think?” Why does it matter? Understand: you learned that others’ approval is all-important, starting with the parents. You learned to sing and dance to garner smiles, laughter, applause in its many [...]