You are familiar with choices. Thirty-two flavors of ice-cream … a menu with multiple options. “Which one shall I choose today?” Oh, the excitement! Choice is how you learn and grow. With food and clothing, choice is simple. It is a matter of taste. With patterned behaviors, it is not always so simple to break the mold. Your human body comes programmed to make certain choices, and these are not always in your soul’s best interest. How to overcome the programming? Awareness is key. Recognize you are both human and a being of light who knows that love, compassion, kindness, and caring are always the higher choices. Animals choose by instinct, often without thinking. Overrule the patterning, and choose love and compassion through awareness. You, the soul, chose the human experience for the challenge of making higher choices. Choose wisely, why don’t you?

You are so very loved.


Note from Suzanne: Today’s “Messages of Hope” radio show at 4 PM EST will be super-powerful as I chat with Scarlett Lewis, founder of the Jesse Lewis CHOOSE LOVE Movement. So many feel helpless and don’t know how to make a change in our world in the face of so much violence. Tune in and learn how you truly CAN take action and make a difference. Listen live by clicking the link, or catch the show in the archives at
