Balancing Energy
Why do you not sleep well in a “strange” place? Your energetic field is working to come into alignment with energy with which it is unaccustomed. Give it time. Balance is the natural state in nature and all beings. Does not the physical body seek homeostasis? So it is with [...]
In Conversation
Be impeccable with your word. You have heard this before. You always know your intention. It arises from within, yet others will hear it based upon their history and their present. Pause before you speak or write, and become one with the intended recipient of your words, written or spoken. [...]
Only Light
Rainbows are a refraction of Light — all of your known colors on a spectrum diffracted so that they seem to be separate colors. They are magical to you, for they seem to appear out of nowhere. They are magical, for they allow you to believe what the soul already [...]
Thanking Goodness
“What are the chances?” you exclaim in surprise. And did you not ask for that exact sign, or that exact thing to happen? Yet when it does happen, or it does appear, you are stunned. When will you believe? When will you stop questioning? You see your bell curve and [...]
“This viewpoint.” That is what you are. That is what all others are: varying viewpoints of the One Mind. What makes “you” any different from any apparent “other” person? A different set of experiences. And what are experiences? Individual events made up of feelings, emotions, images, thoughts, and sensations, whether [...]
Repeating Patterns
When something happens repeatedly in your life, pay attention. Ideally, you are paying attention to all of the connections around you, but the human is usually so wrapped up in the story-thoughts running around in the mind that they fail to notice their surroundings. However, when something happens over and [...]
Finding Peace
Meditation is a method of quieting the mind. To what end? To get to know peace. What a silly thing - to need to practice to become acquainted with something that is naturally an aspect of your true nature! And yet, so few know peace. Look what helps you to [...]
Divine Providence
You cannot always explain why things unfold as they do. “But I was ready to serve!” You say, “ready to do something good.” Yes, and then your plans went awry. And that is what we wish you to notice. Your plans come from your perspective. You are looking at life [...]
Each aspect of the One Divine Mind grows and enjoys through experience. That is why personal experience is so important. You may argue with another and say, “You are wrong!” Or “That did not really happen” and yet, if it was the experience of the other one, then that is [...]
In the Flesh
Have you lived other lives? Of course. You may find it fascinating to delve into those lives. What do they have to teach you? They teach you what you have chosen to work on as a soul in those other lifestreams. Worry not if they are past, future, or parallel [...]
Rising Above
Challenges. They come at you from every angle. They add up. They set your head spinning. Why can there not be one at a time? Take a step up instead of back. Rise above the human level where the challenges exist, and see them as opportunities. See them as a [...]
Already and Always
What is it that you really want? To be loved. What is it that the other with whom you are interacting, be they friend, lover, or perceived foe really wants? To be loved. Substitute now the word acknowledged, or appreciated, or heard for the word loved. It is all the [...]
Where do I go from here? Not backwards. You cannot help but seek something forward. It is the nature of the soul to improve. This does not mean a relentless, stressful seeking of success. Relax. Evolution comes quite naturally, without even trying, as a result of this natural Universal urge. [...]
Beneath the Layers
You think you are a person. What is a person, but an amalgamation of experiences, of labels, of beliefs. Take away all of that and what remains? Observation. Awareness. Being. Is that not the same in all others? Take away their story and what remains? Nothing to judge, simply connection [...]
Bubbling Up
An excitation. That’s what you are. The Mind that rests beneath the surface of all that is was full to overflowing. So much love did it hold in its vast stillness, that finally it burst forth, expressing that potential. Excited! Full to overflowing! Have you never felt this way? Of [...]
Off the Treadmill
You come to a point in the journey where you begin ever so slowly or perhaps in one large Aha!, to realize I AM That! You realize that you and all others are extensions of the same Mind, the same Universal Consciousness that breathes all things. This is a major [...]
Thought Control
Yes, in a world in which money is used as a tool and time unfolds A, B, C, you need to plan for the future. You need to do certain things in order, but do you need to worry so much? You cannot always predict the future. Be here now. [...]
in a sea of Love
Do you understand the phrase “a needle in a haystack”? Why is it so challenging to get one specific piece of information in a sea of information? This is like trying to pin down one drop, one tiny raindrop falling from the sky full of rain before it falls back [...]