Meditation is a method of quieting the mind.  To what end?  To get to know peace.  What a silly thing – to need to practice to become acquainted with something that is naturally an aspect of your true nature!  And yet, so few know peace.  Look what helps you to find it, however … quieting the mind, which is what meditation does.  In the meditative practice, you change your thoughts or lessen them, and what results?  There is stillness, and is that not what you call peace?  And so, you wish for greater peace in your life?  You need not meditate every moment.  Simply notice the thoughts.  Are they peace-full or are they peace-less?  Find ways to become that which you already are beneath the thoughts, without the thoughts, beyond the thoughts, and even within certain thoughts, specific thoughts, non-bothersome thoughts.  Are you getting the picture as to what “causes” peace-less-ness?  Peace-less-ness happens when you disturb your true nature, when you lack aware-ness, when the mind runs off and does its own thing, which is thinking, cogitating, catastrophizing, labeling, judging.  That kind of thing.  But peace is no-thing.  Peace is, and it is always present when you are.