You cannot always explain why things unfold as they do.  “But I was ready to serve!” You say, “ready to do something good.”  Yes, and then your plans went awry.  And that is what we wish you to notice.  Your plans come from your perspective.  You are looking at life from one level, whilst those who are helping you are looking as if from a balcony.  There is, indeed, a higher perspective.  From the street level, so to speak, you cannot see two cars coming at each other.  Bushes and trees may be in the way.  From the balcony perspective, the bird’s eye view, all is clear.  Have faith when things do not go as you planned that there is a reason.  Even if that reason never comes to light, trust that the Light flows through all of you and has the best interests of the whole in mind.  Order out of chaos … yes, indeed.  Divine Providence is at work.