“That’s stupid!” you exclaim with disdain, and you have a right to that opinion. Yet, feel the energy that goes with such an exclamation. It holds you prisoner to lower vibrations. It closes out any possibility of flow. It is, of course, a judgment, born of your human nature, devoid [...]
Always Here
Some of you have never felt loved. Some of you have never felt safe. All of you have been wounded in some way. Why? Because you were raised by wounded humans. Everyone hopes to be loved unconditionally, but humans place conditions on most things. When you are loved with conditions, [...]
Stepping on Toes
Dig, dig, dig. Find those emotional dams that keep the flow of life moving freely through your field. How do you know you’ve found one? You feel uncomfortable and want to run, or eat, or cry, or ... you get the picture. Life is a dance. Energy flows. You can [...]
Up and Down
Up and down, up and down. This is the way of life. You could also, instead of a sine wave, see the unfolding of life as a circle: round and round, round and round. This is flow. This is how things unfold. The peaks and valleys do not have to [...]
Without Judgment
Disdain. You know what it feels like, for you are human. The blended being of soul and human body walks a balance beam of giving in to the human nature and allowing the soul nature to shine. To disdain another is to judge them, and judgment comes with being human. [...]
Into the Heart
“Get out of the head and into the heart.” Yes, this is the key to restoring balance and finding freedom, but it is far more than simply feeling and sending love. Getting into the heart means allowing yourself to feel and be with all emotions, whether you deem them pleasant [...]
From Drama to Dharma
Our gratitude is boundless to those of you who heard of Ty’s recent medical issues and sent healing energy and love (which is one and the same!). We are so grateful to share with you that he arrived home today after five days in the hospital and is doing [...]
Insights are exactly as they sound — new views that come from inside of you. But do not confuse yourself with the body. This sight has nothing to do with the physical eyes. These knowings, these downloads, these in-spirations come from the eternal aspect of you, from being present enough [...]
You Do Make A Difference
The flutter of a bird’s wings … so soft you barely hear it. The flap of a butterfly’s wings … this sets up a vibration. You have heard that such a vibration is felt around the world. In a sense this is true. All is energy and everything vibrates – [...]
Gift of Gratitude
Gratitude is a gift you give yourself. Each time you are aware that an experience or a possession brings you joy or more love into your life, you benefit. How often do you experience gratitude? If not at regular moments throughout your day, then you are cheating yourself, depriving yourself of [...]
Wheres Your Focus?
You wish to change another. Why? Do their words or actions make you uncomfortable? Only your thoughts about their words or actions make you uncomfortable. Focus not on changing another but on seeing the situation from the higher perspective of the soul. As you realize that all are here to [...]
Harmony. You know it when you hear it in music, but you also know it when you see it in colors, in things that are balanced. Yes, you even know it when you feel it in relationships and in emotions. Harmony is the natural balance of things, the natural order. [...]
Soul to Soul
Fight all you want. Protest all you want. Play the game of “Me Against You.” That is how it is done in Earth School. Back and forth. You call it fighting. We call it dancing: the dance of opposites, Yin and Yang. Masculine and Feminine. Gay and Straight. Black and [...]
All That Matters
Be true to your self. Try new things. Experiment with rituals you have learned of. Join a group that looks interesting. Sit in certain positions. All of these things and more you can do in an effort to be more spiritual, but what does that mean to be spiritual? Does it [...]
In the Arms of Angels
The death of a loved one is a trying time for those on earth, no matter how enlightened you are. You share memories with the one who passes. You share love and concern. Concern yourself at this time with those who do not have the full understanding of this [...]
Cheer Yourself On
How many times do you doubt yourself? You wish to do something, to accomplish some task, to achieve some goal that lies in your heart, yet your thoughts hold you back. You may blame some external cause or some physical weakness, but if you look more closely, again you will [...]
To Be Loved
All beings want to be loved. This is the understanding that is most needed at this time. Those who act in ways completely contrary to love have so forgotten what love feels like, that they act out. All acting out is a cry for love. Do you understand this? When [...]
A choir sings and you are enraptured. Such beautiful voices. They draw you in. Why is this? The voices are in tune and harmonious. They speak to the soul, which, in its natural state, unhindered by the vibrations of the physical body, is in tune and harmonious with Source. There [...]
Always Available
“You are never given more than you can handle.” Then why, you ask, do some give up? Once again, in a world of duality there is more than one way to view any situation. From the human viewpoint, you are not always aware of the help that is readily available, [...]
November 2, 2019
Archangel Michael, a member of Sanaya, surprised those gathered as he identified himself as the speaker. He shared his wisdom regarding love and freedom and the role of archangels as the guardians of our reality. Sanaya stepped in near the end of the session to provide answers regarding: a destiny [...]