Fight all you want.  Protest all you want.  Play the game of “Me Against You.”  That is how it is done in Earth School.  Back and forth.  You call it fighting.  We call it dancing:  the dance of opposites, Yin and Yang.  Masculine and Feminine.  Gay and Straight.  Black and White.  Right and Wrong.  Now, how does all that dancing feel?  It feels good to a point, then it no longer feels good.  Good, and then no longer good:  Do you see the opposites?  Dancing can be exhausting, until you say, “There must be a better way.”  We will tell you that the human way of dancing serves a great purpose.  It wears you out until you say, “Enough is enough, and then you finally find the other way and meet soul to soul, where there is no more dancing, no more opposing, no more gloating and no more crying.  There is only Love.  Soul to soul.  Soul to soul.  Soul to soul.