In the Beginning
Start at the beginning. Who are you? Not a newborn baby. We are going farther back than that. Not a past life, and oh, yes, you do have those. We are going back before the beginning of time. Time occurs here in your earthly realm. We are asking you to [...]
Up, Up, and Away
Picture a hot air balloon lifting into the sky. Does it not fill you with wonder? You stop and point and exclaim, even though man mastered the art of flying via machinery years ago. What is it about balloons that is so magical to you? They are big, beautiful, and [...]
Every One Alike
Snowflakes … each one of them is different. This you learned in school. You study the designs and you exclaim in wonder, “It is true!” but you are focusing on the outer form only, are you not? And what of the inner make-up, the underlying aspects that give the snowflake [...]
“Do I make a difference?” you ask, and the answer is yes. By being present, you bring a vibration to each situation. The question is, do you make a positive difference? Does your presence bring healing, hope, assurance, peace, love? Do you see how you can do this on a [...]
Embodying Change
You do not like change, and yet change is what will bring more joy, more peace, more love into your life. “How is this possible?” you ask. The kind of change of which we speak is the kind that makes you a bit uncomfortable, and we are well aware you [...]
Pay attention to how you feel. The soul is soft with no edges. It is spacious … so vast that it contains everything that is. The soul is patience, peace, allowing. Have a feel around the inside of you right now. Can you feel that spaciousness, that expansiveness filled with [...]
Desperation … it is the human who feels this clawing, urgent, fear-filled emotion. The soul knows only peace. If you are feeling that feet-to-the-fire-“I must do something” feeling, then you are out of balance. Peace lies always within, and when you can breathe just enough to remember this, then you [...]
Still Life
“Is (s)he still breathing?” you ask, watching the chest rise and fall, and this you take as a sign of life. It is a sign that the physical body is functioning, indeed—that the Life Force continues to animate the body—but the Life Force continues with or without the body. What [...]
In the Pauses
Why is a thing beneath you? Because you put it there. What if things that happened to you Gave you little care? The things that happen in your life Are there to give you pause -- To see what each effect Arises from each cause. They call it learning, how [...]
Expect the best. How often do you do this, especially in your relationships? You become accustomed to others’ behaviors. Those that rankle are often the ones you focus upon, wishing they would change. So focused are you on what to you are felt as lower vibrations that you come to [...]
So many viewpoints. So many clashing at this time. Oh, if you could release the grip you have on your viewpoint being right and the others’ being wrong, so much more peaceful would you be. Can you simply allow? Yes, discuss your position, but unclench the jaw, can you? You [...]
Journey of Remembrance
What will Sanaya's new audio experience do for you? Here are some of the comments from Facebook: "Journey of Remembrance wraps me up gently as if being hugged. Its a comforting feeling of warmth of home." "I am so deeply moved." "I experienced what it must be like for our [...]
Christmas Every Day
Santa Claus is real, for he lives in your heart. The Easter Bunny is real, for he lives in your memories. How can something that never existed by real? What is real? Anything that you can create in Consciousness that aids the growth of the soul is real. What are [...]
Schools in Session
Surely you remember how you felt as a child on the first day of school: a bit of excitement at the newness, yet a bit of trepidation and fear at fitting into new surroundings with new people. Even then you were sensitive to energy. Now as an adult you are [...]
Are You Ready to Remember?
A new and wonderful blessing from Sanaya, Suzanne, and pianist Richard Shulman: channeled words and music to awaken your soul and long-forgotten memories of your true Home. "This is the most remarkable recording. I listened to the Journey of Remembrance this afternoon and from the first word was covered in goosebumps, and [...]
Three Plus One Makes Four
A foursome. This is often what is needed for your card games. It is also what is needed to go on a journey Home. Body, Mind, Spirit … “Yes,” you say, “I know all that. How could there be a fourth?” And we tell you that when you imagine body, [...]
Guided Creation
You never know what you are capable of. Most humans would complete this sentence with the words “until you try,” but we urge you to complete it with “until you allow yourself to be guided and simply do what you feel in your heart you are being led to do.” [...]
Why do you feel the need to justify things, to explain yourself? Could it be, yet again, so that people approve of you? Could it be so that others do not judge you? What if you do not explain your actions or words? What was your motive in doing or [...]
Team Player
What does it mean to be a team player? It means you care more about the whole than any one individual, most especially the self. Does this mean you must be self-sacrificing to be a team player? There are no musts or shoulds, merely the question, “what will best serve [...]
Salmon swim upstream, going against the flow, which appears to be the opposite of what we are always advising. Yes, in most cases, it behooves you to flow and allow others to flow. But what are the salmon doing? They are following their deepest inner guidance. They are exerting effort, [...]
“Still Here” (In Loving Memory of Our Neighbor, Suki)
When a beloved pet crosses the veil, you grieve as much as for human members of the family. And why would you not? They are souls with whom you have a heart connection. More than most humans, pets are experts at being present and showing unconditional love. They do not [...]