dog-990986_640When a beloved pet crosses the veil, you grieve as much as for human members of the family.  And why would you not?  They are souls with whom you have a heart connection.  More than most humans, pets are experts at being present and showing unconditional love.  They do not judge you, they bring you comfort, and they are there for you with such gratitude.  Rest assured that your beloved pets who have passed are surrounded with love and will greet you when you pass.  It is all about love … growing in love and being the presence of love.  That is what your pets show you how to do, both here and in the hereafter.

From Suzanne:  One of my favorite pet connections in the spirit world occurred when a little Shih Tzu spontaneously made its presence known to me during a reading.  It showed me what color it was and I could feel its great love for its owner.  When the woman I was doing the reading for acknowledged this beloved Shih Tzu, I silently asked the dog, “Are you male or female?” I sensed “male” in response, but I wasn’t sure, so I asked for confirmation and laughed out loud when—in my mind’s eye—the dog rolled over and showed me its belly!  Yep – he was a boy dog all right!  His owner and I laughed with joy to know that love never dies.