The Part that Never Changes
Anticipation. Yes, it keeps you from being present, but it can be quite delicious. It can also have the opposite effect and fill you with fear. You can make a choice whether or not to time travel into the future, but you do so at your own peril ... go [...]
The Very Flow of You
You are never alone. “Alone” is a human concept. “All One” is of the soul. All one what? One Light which emanates from one Source. All that you know are various expressions, projections of Light. Could you see without the physical eyes, you would see your interconnectedness. When you feel [...]
Singing to the Choir
“What is the sound of one hand clapping?” This ancient question leads to deep insights. Why create seemingly separate beings when as the One, there is complete wholeness? For the adventures, for the growth, for the experience. And so, we who are identified as Sanaya will speak to you as [...]
You could not handle the fullness of the Light that breathes you were it to fill you all at once whilst in a physical body. It would knock you to the ground like a bolt of lightning, yet you would still exist. You seek awakening, but know that you are [...]
For the Joy of It
Do it for the joy of it ... whatever “it” is. Do not do it to please someone else. If it does please someone else, so much the better, but do it for Joy. Do not do it for the obligation. There is little joy in obligation. Do not do [...]
It is not always necessary to share everything you know. If you know a message will not be well received, must you share it? The choice is always yours. The desire to change someone is a human trait. Do you think they are not good enough? Say nothing. Do you [...]
Back in Balance
Look around you when out in nature. What do you see? Balance, harmony, beauty. Yes, there are some weeds. Yes, there is dirt, but all of it is part of the perfection. Now look at the body. See its innate perfection. See how it seeks balance. Where do you place [...]
What Love Would Do
Does “being spiritual” mean you passively sit back and take no action in the face of those who are doing what appears “less than spiritual?” Not at all. One follows their heart no matter what path you are on. At times to do the loving thing means to take action, [...]
In the Drivers Seat
You get in your car and pull onto a highway. The road is straight and narrow and there is not much traffic. You put it into cruise control and let the car do its thing. Only when you need to take more conscious control do you take it out of [...]
Infinite Expression
Trees. They tend to spring up in like clusters. Where you find an oak, you are likely to find more. Where you find a pine, you are likely to find more. And yet, there is diversity in a forest. Spirit expresses itself in infinite ways. At times in sameness, at [...]
A Better Way
Why do humans fight so? It is learned behavior and it is wired into the body. It is a combination of the two. You are programmed to protect the self. Fight or flight is hard to avoid when threatened. You learn to act on this even when the threat has [...]
Fresh and New
Love the one you’re with. Give them the gift of your attention, your presence. You think you have nothing to say? Ask within, “What would engender just the right conversation right now?” By asking in this manner, a fresh insight will come to mind. As it comes from the heart, [...]
Your thoughts do determine your reality. The brain is designed to seek out a match for the thought systems in place, filtering out all that does not match the current paradigm. Have you ever put together a puzzle? So many pieces from which to choose, yet you know by the [...]
Without Wobbling
Balancing on a wire, you wobble back and forth. As you start to fall to the left, the body automatically leans to the right and vice-versa. What makes you fall off? It is not gravity, but fear. The body and soul working together make quite a talented team. If the [...]
One Center
Nested dolls. There can be no better analogy for your true nature than this. You find yourself now in a very dense world, feeling quite separate from others. But what if the center of you is also the center of a soul, which is the center of an even higher [...]
The Free Prize
How do you know what will be behind Door Number 3? You feel a bit of excitement, knowing a prize lies behind one of 3 doors. You do not know, but there is an aspect of you that knows that is not limited to the physical body. This is what [...]
Picture your movies where someone is kidnapped. The abductors put a blindfold over the victim’s eyes so they cannot see where they are going. We do not wish to frighten you ... humans live enough already in fear. Could it be that you are living in a blindfolded state? Could [...]
Unfolding and enfolding. If you read some of your theories of Being you will learn about this theory of consciousness manifesting. Pay attention and you will see this rhythmic, circular pattern in existence all around you: Birth-death, exhale-inhale, grow-wither. Why unfold at all? For in the folded state, the pure [...]
The Best Medicine
Laughter. Can you find it in the face of a challenge? Not as a weapon or an insult, but as an ice breaker. When facing challenges, at times a barrier arises between you and another and/or around your heart, energetically. Humor can dissolve this barrier in an instant, putting it [...]
Lucid or Not
Lucid dreaming. You become aware that you are dreaming. You are aware of you lying in a bed having experiences in your mind. You can control the dream to some extent, but not fully. If you become too involved, you slip back into dreaming. If you become too focused on [...]
Paying Attention
Awareness is the key to peace. We can repeat this daily, but only you can practice awareness of your thoughts until you put into practice the active choices that result from paying attention. Are you feeling frustrated, judgmental, fearful and the like? These arise quite normally in the human drama. [...]