August 29, 2021
Why do children get sick? How can we heal our world? Angels and ascended masters share the answers. Medium and mystic, Suzanne Giesemann provides the voice for her group of spirit guides known as “Sanaya” as they help us understand from the angelic perspective. Sanaya speaks about living in [...]
You are Both
The drawing tries to trick you: Is it a vase or two faces? It is both! Now the question becomes: Can you see both at the same time? What challenges you in this regard is the brain, whose two hemispheres perform different functions. And the next question is: What if [...]
The Gift of Grace
Gracious. Here is a word with great meaning. To be gracious, there is no righteousness. There is no lording power over another. Look at the root of the word: Grace. What do you feel when you contemplate grace? A connection to a Power greater than the human self and greater [...]
Have fun with life. Yes, there are appropriate times to be serious, but how about a little silliness? If you balk at this, you have drunk the adult Kool Aid. Children play. They laugh, they giggle, they draw and squiggle. Can you draw outside the lines, or have you become [...]
How easily you get caught up in the drama when you watch a well-crafted movie. It is easy to forget there is anything around you. And do you realize it is just how easily you get caught up in the drama of what you call your life? “But it is [...]
At the Deepest Level
You are safe and you are loved. What more could you ask for? Oh, we know you could come up with a list, but let’s stick to the basics. In the back of most human minds is fear … fear of so many things that again we are sure you [...]
Flowing Together
Do you ever stop and think of how you may wall yourself off from others simply by focusing on “I”? There is one letter in this oh-so-isolating pronoun. And “We”? How many letters? And “Us”? I and that other make up one field of flowing experiences. All it takes to [...]
Moment by Moment
This is it. What you came here for. You are disappointed? Please don’t be. Look around you. You have a choice: See the beauty or see something else. This is it. You come here to make choices. In golf you hit the ball and chase after it. Hit the ball [...]
A Good Place to Start
Could it be you think too much? Time spent analyzing can turn into time spent agonizing. Ah, yes, you know this state well. It can definitely be a kind of hell to fall under the logical mind’s spell. Know this: There is a part of you that does not need [...]
Why Do It?
For the joy of it. That is why to do anything. “But I must go to work,” you say, and where can you find the joy in that? Can you find a way to connect with another in doing your work? Can you find a way to make another’s life [...]
Think of your family in spirit like a constellation. When you study constellations in school, you don’t just see groupings of stars, you see drawings of specific stars within the sky connected by lines. Yes, the lines are drawn to show you the connections, but these lines are as real [...]
In Balance
What is balance? It is that point at which, when standing on one foot, you do not fall to one side or another. In life, your emotions have a balance point. So does your body. How do you know when the emotions or the body are out of balance? You [...]
What are you afraid of? Embarrassing yourself? This fear arises from “What will others think?” Which arises from “I am not enough,” which arises from “I am not appreciated,” which arises from “I am not loved.” Such fears arise from the misconception that you are separate from the womb of [...]
First You Crawl
Babies crawl before they can walk. They drag the body across the floor until it gets a bit old scraping the knees and hands. Looking about, they see others standing on two feet. This looks a bit easier, and so they pull themselves up. “Oh, so precarious it is to [...]