Monthly Archives: August 2021



2021-08-02T09:59:07-04:00August 2nd, 2021|

Watch the ego.  This could have two meanings:  Be careful of how ego can take your well-intentioned actions astray, and observe the ego to notice how it differs from those thoughts and actions more closely aligned with your true nature as unbounded Awareness.  Such observations will lead you to be [...]


2021-08-01T09:37:42-04:00August 1st, 2021|

Snag, act.  Snag, act.  This is how to move forward with grace and ease.  What is a snag?  That little catch, that little pull that grabs your attention.  It can be oh so subtle or quite obvious, but it carries an energy that causes it to stand out from the [...]

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