You are safe and you are loved.  What more could you ask for?  Oh, we know you could come up with a list, but let’s stick to the basics.  In the back of most human minds is fear … fear of so many things that again we are sure you could come up with a list, and it is that very list that will keep you trapped in unproductive patterns.  Ask of Higher Knowing to show you that you truly do not die. Yes, you may wish to stick around a while, but no matter what, you as a shining point of Awareness will remain Aware of experience now and now and now no matter what state you are in.  In knowing that experience flows, as you learn to flow with it you also learn that which thoughts you focus upon determine your peace.  Go with the flow, dear one, until you know, truly know, that you are safe and you are loved.  This is Truth at the deepest level.
