autumn-507544_640So many viewpoints. So many clashing at this time. Oh, if you could release the grip you have on your viewpoint being right and the others’ being wrong, so much more peaceful would you be. Can you simply allow? Yes, discuss your position, but unclench the jaw, can you?

You are all leaves on one tree. Some of you are on the right side of the tree and some of you on the left, and so your perspectives are quite different. It is all part of the game. How could it be any different in Earth School?

Does your perspective make one better and the other “less than?” Not at all, for the leaves of one tree share the same roots, the same Source. There will come a time in this cycle of living in which you leaves will flutter to the ground, the ever-repeating cycles of life being complete yet again. Some from the left will end up lying by those on the right and vice-versa. The conversation, we dare say, may go a bit like this as you now intimately come into contact and lie with your roots: “If only we had known …”