billiard-1430095_640A foursome.  This is often what is needed for your card games.  It is also what is needed to go on a journey Home.  Body, Mind, Spirit … “Yes,” you say, “I know all that.  How could there be a fourth?”  And we tell you that when you imagine body, mind, and spirit, you are still thinking in terms of separation.  Yes, even though that world “spirit” is included, if you are honest with yourself, you are thinking “my” spirit.  Aha!  Yes, you are thinking Body, Mind, Spirit as one unit, separate from all other aspects of Oneness.  And therein lies the fourth element for a journey Home:  the awareness of the Oneness of which the Body-Mind-Spirit that you think of as separate is actually an inseparable part.  And so, your journey Home requires an awareness of Body as part and parcel of Mind, as part and parcel of Spirit as part and parcel of Oneness.

Slowly, but ever so surely, we are helping you make your way back Home.  Now you have your foursome.  Let’s play!