wind-surfing-67627_640Oh, that pang of fear when you know you have done something wrong.  Right away, by our using the word “wrong,” you know we refer to human perceptions.  For the soul there are only “learning opportunities.”  That oh so uncomfortable feeling that makes you want to run and hide and take it all back is the greatest of alarms: “Pay attention!  You have an opportunity here!”

In a world of time that always moves forward, you cannot take it all back (Do you see the value of time?).  You most certainly can run and hide, and in doing so cut off not just opportunities for future lessons, but opportunities for some of the most beautiful, enduring, and endearing relationships you will enjoy.

As people get to know each other, their energy fields must come into alignment.  Some things will resonate.  Others may feel jarring until this alignment takes place.  Dance upon the waves.  Ride atop them instead of being knocked over by them.  And when a big one comes and you want to run and hide, take note of past lessons and get out your surf board.