google-485611_640“What was that name?”  “Where did I put that thing?”  Have you not had those moments?  Try as you might, the answers elude you.  And that is the problem:  you are trying, which puts you in the head.  Do you not realize that memories, names and such are not stored in the head?  The brain is a frequency analyzer, and the answers you seek exist as energy—distinct frequencies, every one of them–that the brain recognizes when you set the intention to align with that specific frequency.

We wish you to think now of your Internet searches.  You wish to find a thing, knowing it is out there somewhere on the World Wide Web.  And so, you type a search word into a box.  You push a button, and then wait as the software does its job.  Do you try to find it yourself once the search has begun?  No.  You know that you have done your part.

And so, the next time you cannot remember a thing or find a thing, imagine Consciousness as the great Web to which you are always connected.  With intention, visualize placing the object you wish to locate or remember into a search box and send it on its way.  Having done your part, cease trying.  Cease thinking.  Get out of the head and wait for the frequency to be placed into the frequency analyzer.  The circuit will light up when it is found and you will have your answer.

You are part of the greatest search engine that exists:  Consciousness.  Google it.