merry-1628845_640Santa Claus is real, for he lives in your heart.  The Easter Bunny is real, for he lives in your memories.  How can something that never existed by real?  What is real?  Anything that you can create in Consciousness that aids the growth of the soul is real.  What are dreams?  They are creations of Consciousness.  What are you?  A creation of Consciousness.  And when you pass from this life, what will be left of you for those still here?  The realness of you in their hearts.  Are we saying you are no more real than Santa Claus?  It is all a story, and each story either adds to or detracts from the raising of Consciousness.  How are you doing at bringing your gifts to the world, Santa Claus?  All you need do is reach into your heart and give the gift of your love.