balloon-114115_640Picture a hot air balloon lifting into the sky.  Does it not fill you with wonder?  You stop and point and exclaim, even though man mastered the art of flying via machinery years ago.  What is it about balloons that is so magical to you?  They are big, beautiful, and they go where the winds blow. There is a bit of magic in surrendering to the currents with just enough input to decide whether you go up or down.  It is peaceful and quiet, and you get away from it all.

Your life can be like a hot air balloon ride.  Surrender to the currents.  Go with the flow.  Exert just enough influence to make it “your” ride.  Enjoy the higher perspective as you get away from it all.  Up, up, and away.  The ride is so much smoother when you loosen your need to control so much.