italy-1587278_640Desperation … it is the human who feels this clawing, urgent, fear-filled emotion.  The soul knows only peace.  If you are feeling that feet-to-the-fire-“I must do something” feeling, then you are out of balance.  Peace lies always within, and when you can breathe just enough to remember this, then you are well on your way to receiving the guidance that will help you through what you perceive as a crisis.

Remember, please, that your thoughts lead you toward or away from peace and solutions.  You do not have “problems.”  You have “challenges,” and challenges are opportunities.  Opportunities for what?  For growth.  For choosing between thinking you are only human to remembering you are both human and a soul who is never alone and who has access to all wisdom and all love.

Seize this opportunity to grow and allow peace to be your companion on a journey that no longer includes desperation.