Why do you not sense the other realities more often?  Your focus is on your human story, as it should be.  You are here for the human experience.  When is it that you experience other realities?  In your dreams, for one.  You are quite familiar with this alternate state of consciousness.  and since that is what reality is—a state of consciousness, awareness of being—then what it takes to experience alternate realities is a shift in your consciousness.  This is why adventures in multi-dimensionality occur during meditative states.  It is then that you remove your awareness from the human story in which you are so fully immersed and allow consciousness to play, to dabble, or to dive in deeply and swim.  Have the awareness that other realities exist and then shift your awareness after loosening your focus on the human reality. But do so for the learning and the experience, not to escape.  You are here for a reason.  Immerse yourself fully in the lessons and maximize your potential.  Love.