You think you are a person.  What is a person, but an amalgamation of experiences, of labels, of beliefs.  Take away all of that and what remains?  Observation.  Awareness.  Being.  Is that not the same in all others?  Take away their story and what remains?  Nothing to judge, simply connection with what remains the same:  Being.  And because Being wishes to extend itself, then it is impelled by the basic urge of creation:  love.  See beneath the story others believe.  See beneath the layers of thoughts, judgments, stories, and what remains?  the basic essence.  Play your roles to the hilt, but when life becomes unpleasant, stressful, busy, distressing in any way, you can always peel back the layers and see others for what they are:  essence, the same as you.  Awareness through and through, and what’s not to love in pure connection?