Each aspect of the One Divine Mind grows and enjoys through experience.  That is why personal experience is so important.  You may argue with another and say, “You are wrong!” Or “That did not really happen” and yet, if it was the experience of the other one, then that is their reality, not yours.  Perception is reality, which is why there are limitless realities and dimensions, for the One Divine Mind experiences and perceives and creates reality.  Get out of your little box and recognize the limitless perceptions.  When you cling to one reality, you stunt your growth.  Cigarettes are not the only way to do so.  In a way, life is smoke and mirrors, for it is all a play of consciousness.  Do not take it so seriously that you miss the point.  Live life to the fullest.  It is why you are here – to let the soul shine and evolve.  No, it does not NEED to evolve, for all possibility is already contained within the One Divine Mind.  But that Mind enjoys expressing that potential and building upon the good that has been built.  Just how much love can you express?  That is the question.