Breakthroughs in your level of consciousness, in your soul’s growth, happen incrementally.  You are who and where you are due to every choice made previously.  Are you ready for a breakthrough?  Begin by setting aside the guilt.  There is not one among you without regrets, be they big or small.  And every choice that led you to those feelings of guilt has led to this moment of being ready for a breakthrough as well.  And every choice that led you to feelings of pride has led you to this readiness for a breakthrough.  Do you see?  It is in this moment here and now that your choices matter.  Make the best possible choice you can in this moment. That is all you have ever done or you would not have made those choices.  Do the best you can based on now.  Make amends as guided, base the choices on love, and move forward. 

You are so very loved.
