In the analogy of Consciousness being the ocean and each one of you a wave, you can see that the ocean and the wave are inseparable.  You can also see that you and those around you are waves of the same ocean interacting as you will.  When you arise close to the shore, you can get knocked around a bit.  This is the nature of waves, but the ocean simply is doing what the ocean does.  It rises and falls, affording the experience of “waving.”  As you crash upon the beach, the sand may feel a bit rough, but worry not, you will be welcomed back into the embrace of your Source after each arising and subsiding. This is how it works.*  Experience, and then take a breather.  It happens on a moment-by-moment scale and on a lifetime-by-lifetime scale.  Go with the flow.  The ocean has you. 

You are so very loved.

* See Suzanne’s YouTube video: “Do We Dissolve Into Nothingness?”
