Your breath has been recycled.  So has your body.  It is all energy-information, even your thoughts.  And oh, how your thoughts are recycled.  Round and round they go in the eddies of the mind.  Your mind is quite different from the One Mind from which all thoughts arise.  Those you call “mine” that go round and round keep you from accessing the fresher ones that might help you move forward beyond the pain, the shame, the boredom, the discontent.  How to do this?  Set the intention of finding this larger Self of which you all are a part.  Ask it to show you miracles.  With a sense of wonder look and listen and give credit where it’s due.  There is not only you putting thoughts in your head.  Root out those which no longer serve you and allow them to be reFreshed moment by moment from outside the eddies. 

You are so very loved.
