people-coffee-notes-teaLessons can be learned the hard way or the less hard way, but pain serves a purpose.  It gets your attention, does it not?  Think of the child who feels no pain.  In rare circumstances, this does occur.  The parents are filled with fright, for without feeling pain, the child knows no danger.  They can easily be burnt.  They take greater risks.

Appreciate pain.  When you feel it, whether emotional or physical, ask, “What is it I am supposed to learn from this and how do I ensure it does not happen again?”  And after giving gratitude for the lesson, pray that your lessons be as painless as possible, for there are degrees of pain, are there not?

You are a soul having the experience as a human for many reasons.  Pain goes with that experience, but it need last no longer than is necessary for the growth to be had.