SunbeamsThey have not left you;
They are right here
In a feeling you have …
A whisper in your ear.

Gone forever?
Not at all!
As close as your thoughts
Or a whippoorwill’s call.

Yes, birds carry messages.
You call them “signs.”
A penny stands out
In a rug’s tight designs.

How could we leave you?
You’re one of us!
But with birth and death
You make such a fuss.

They’re merely transitions,
Changes in form.
But you look at your body
And think it’s the norm.

It’s Light that you are
From one Source you come
And like rays of the sun
This makes you all One.

So please don’t dismay.
Don’t think you’re alone.
Send out your thoughts
Like a call on a phone.

When you sense a response,
Don’t dismiss it as fake.
It’s the answer you sought
As your hand we do take.

Right there at your side,
As close as your heart.
For what’s once joined by love
Can’t be torn apart.