Supports.  Something that props up another thing.  There are times when the weight of living can cause you to sag.  Perhaps the body is ailing or weak.  Perhaps the emotions are weighing you down.  Who or what is there to prop you up?  This is why the One divides into the many.  Through relationship, the support structure is inherent.  Always here.  If you think you have no support, think again, for in the case of feeling alone, you are thinking like a human.  Now surrender your human thinking and dissolve into a puddle if you will.  The waves of love from unseen helpers will lift you like the rising tide.  How will you know you are being supported?  Just ask.  Talk to them, even if you do not see them.  In between talking, be still.  Be silent.  Tune into the heart and feel the surge of love.  You likely feel it even now as they prop you up in this special way.  And on it goes.  In relationship.  For a reason. 

You are so very loved.