When fear runs amok, it can really take off. It runs like a squirrel, zipping here and there, checking out all the places disaster could hide. It runs to the future. It runs to the past where all its little acorns of having seen possibilities fuels its crazy antics. Zip, zip, zip … “What shall I fear next?” It jumps from limb to limb, tree to tree, then runs headfirst down the trunks and scurries across the ground. What squirrels seldom do is sit still. Has life gotten a bit squirrelly? What would happen if you sit quietly and find the place here, now, where there is no threat? Careful now. That squirrelly mind will want to jump again to “what if.” That is the innate animal nature in the human body. But you are far more than the body and the conditioned human mind. Be still. Be still and know. I Am.

You are so very loved.