“Wouldn’t it be awesome?” Yes, in the modern vernacular, this is a most awesome way to manifest your dreams. You may have a vision board if you like, but to do so and insist that the items on the board play out exactly as you envision them limits you. Use the images of your dreams as a springboard, a template for Spirit to fill in with what those with the bigger picture know is for the greatest and highest good. Manifest not by saying, “This is mine,” but “Wouldn’t it be awesome to enjoy something like this?” And then, while you’re at it, shift to the awareness that no material thing can bring lasting Joy. What is everlasting is connection, wholeness, and therefore fullness. You are already these. There is no need to seek fullness outside of yourself. Find it here, now, and watch how the rest falls into place. Wouldn’t it be awesome to know such completeness? It will come to pass. It can be no other way.

You are so very loved.
