The most basic question a human can ask is, “Who am I?”  Your suffering, all of it, comes when you identify “I” with the one inside a body.  Nothing could be farther from the truth in the human lineage.  In the human lineage, you are the farthest from the Source.  Next comes the soul, which is connected with various soul groups and an oversoul.  There are realms “above” you, ultimately connecting you with your absolute true nature, which is pure consciousness, pure awareness, pure Love.  Understand:  you ARE That.  There is no separation, yet your separate self that you call “I” descend from That, or said in another way, bubbles up from That, not in the past, but now and now and now.  As long as you fail to remember that and as long as you fail to turn around and make the journey Home, which can take place slowly or in an instant, for it is all happening within the Mind of Love, you will suffer.  It is that simple, yet that challenging to wrap your head around.  So, get out of the head, why don’t you, and slide back down into the heart, which has never forgotten Who you are.