Yearly Archives: 2018


Three, Not Two

2018-02-12T07:55:39-05:00February 12th, 2018|

In a world of duality, of light and dark, you so often feel you are faced with two choices, but there you err.  There is a third choice:  neutrality.  You can identify strongly with one point of view and not the other, but from a place of neutrality, you can [...]


2018-02-11T05:35:54-05:00February 11th, 2018|

Beginner’s Cup.  Have you heard of this?  There is much to be gained from emptiness.  Stay away from the normal lower vibratory associations with the word “empty.”  Feel instead the potential contained within an empty vessel, ready to be filled.  Strive to maintain a state of anticipatory “emptiness” so that [...]


2018-02-10T09:17:42-05:00February 10th, 2018|

“How do you know you are connecting with the spirit of a loved one and not with the devil?” asks a man beside you on an airplane, and we shared with you just the right answer which is intended for all to hear:  “The result of that connection was a [...]

Present Enough

2018-02-09T07:32:39-05:00February 9th, 2018|

When is enough enough?  Enough of anything. Think about how easily dissatisfied the human becomes once it gets a taste of something pleasurable.  Soon you are even dissatisfied merely thinking about when you will no longer have that thing or when and where you can get more of it. This applies [...]

Drip, Drip, Drip

2018-02-07T08:17:00-05:00February 7th, 2018|

A drip of water can “drive you crazy,” as the human often terms such things.  A repetitious sound or sensation over which you have no seeming control comes into your awareness, and you allow it to take over your thoughts.  What an opportunity to see how you control your thoughts, [...]

Only Now

2018-02-06T08:09:48-05:00February 6th, 2018|

You speak of doing something 24/7. Is that not the same as right now? We wish you to get in the habit of being present. Watch your words and thoughts. You can only watch them now. Watch how they run off into the past or future. You can set a [...]


2018-02-05T07:58:08-05:00February 5th, 2018|

You get high on love.  What does this mean?  There is a chemical reaction within the body caused by your thoughts and/or your interaction with higher energies.  It is a bit of a paradoxical set-up, for you come into contact with these higher energies by opening yourself to them through [...]


2018-02-04T08:23:34-05:00February 4th, 2018|

Pay attention to that knowing feeling.  You simply know the Universe is going to send you your sign (Here it is).  You may spend some time looking about with excitement.  “Is it there?  Is it here?” Yet, even when it seemingly fails to appear, the knowingness remains.  Trust that feeling.  [...]


2018-02-03T07:53:12-05:00February 3rd, 2018|

Why do so many enjoy dancing?  For a few minutes you literally step beyond your ordinary world, your ordinary way of thinking, moving, and being, and you flow.  Dancing alone allows this shift.  Dancing with another allows an even richer experience as you enjoy a connection with one who has [...]


2018-02-02T06:58:46-05:00February 2nd, 2018|

Why this hurry to know it all now?  You already do.  You already are the field.  The soul knows.  That is why at times you wish to cry tears of happy recognition when you hear Truth.  Hear us well:  There is no end to this journey.  There is only the [...]


2018-02-01T07:30:13-05:00February 1st, 2018|

Staples … what are they?  Nothing but straight pieces of metal bent into a specific shape.  With the help of a thing you call a stapler, they get bent into yet another shape that holds together pieces of paper.  Do you at times not get bent out of shape when [...]


2018-01-31T07:11:51-05:00January 31st, 2018|

Is not the “I” you think of as you the same within others?  It is true, others may think differently than you, and look different than you, and act differently, but take away the thoughts, the appearance, and the behaviors, and what is left?  Pure Being being a human being.  [...]


2018-01-30T08:16:30-05:00January 30th, 2018|

Waterfalls … and water flows … and water gives life.  Drink up.  Drink regularly of this most powerful elixir.  The body is a machine indeed, a vehicle in this earth school for your lessons.  At times it carries you to and through your lessons.  At times, in sickness and in [...]


2022-07-05T09:13:04-04:00January 29th, 2018|

Balance your chakras.  Do so regularly if you wish to have peace in your life.  These energetic centers are the points of exchange between the physical and energetic body.  They are critical in the flow of vital life force throughout your bodies.  If blocked or over-extended, this will result [...]


2018-01-28T07:29:38-05:00January 28th, 2018|

We have given you the word “conscious” to use as a trigger* to take you to that place of being aware and knowing you are the Love you seek, you are the Light that greets you upon crossing the veil.  That Light burns always within you and all others.  All [...]


2018-01-27T07:07:10-05:00January 27th, 2018|

“I know things that you don’t know.”  Oh, the little frisson of pleasure that comes to the human with this thought.  Ego loves to withhold, for doing so seems to give you power over another.  Yes, there are times when it behooves you not to share certain information with others [...]

Every ONE

2018-01-26T08:14:46-05:00January 26th, 2018|

Everyone in your life serves a purpose.  Every ONE serves their role outstandingly, including you, until you finally come to realize it is exactly that:  a role.  Others may remain fixed and fixated on their roles, but you need not.  It takes focus, quite great at first, to break free [...]

Here and There

2018-01-25T07:53:32-05:00January 25th, 2018|

“Are they okay?” you ask of your loved ones who have passed, and we ask you in return, how could they not be?  Love is ever-present in your world and theirs. Many times you are not aware of the Love that surrounds you here.  There, across the veil, you cannot [...]


2018-01-24T08:08:39-05:00January 24th, 2018|

We have given you in the past the analogy of all of you being like leaves on a tree. It is an important analogy, for it allows you to understand how you can appear separate, yet share a common Source or trunk and roots. This is how all of you [...]

Like a Stew

2022-05-17T17:30:00-04:00January 23rd, 2018|

Yes, spirit recycles.  All of life goes in cycles.  You call this reincarnation.  Some are happy to learn that you are given a choice to come back and continue the soul’s growth.  Some are filled with fear:  “If reincarnation is a fact, does this mean I will not see [...]

Life Review

2018-01-22T07:30:48-05:00January 22nd, 2018|

The question has been asked:  Is there a review of the life upon passing to spirit?  This has been reported by those who taste a bit of the world beyond, but who return immediately to enjoy more of the earth experience.  The answer is yes.  All are treated to a [...]

Still Right Here

2018-01-21T08:13:35-05:00January 21st, 2018|

When a loved one leaves your side you grieve. "I cannot live without them!" you believe. Oh, how your brain it does deceive, For your loved ones truly do not leave. Life is but a journey of the soul, Which in essence always will be whole. When death comes, the [...]

Stir Things Up

2018-01-20T07:30:26-05:00January 20th, 2018|

Stagnation.  Have you fallen into that trap?  Do you do the same things over and over, half afraid to change your ways?  This is different than being in a rut.  This is lacking the motivation to do anything differently.  “What is the point?” you might ask. To stir things up [...]

Nothing to Compare

2018-01-19T07:59:40-05:00January 19th, 2018|

Does a star in the sky compete with another?  Does it judge another, compare its size and brightness?  Then why do humans?  For you forget who you are.  In that forgetfulness, you become desperate for love and good feelings, when nothing could feel better than the realization of the Truth [...]


2022-05-17T17:44:29-04:00January 18th, 2018|

Are you a peacemaker?  You see this as a good thing, but does it bring you peace?  Those who feel the need to make everyone around them happy many times are quite afraid of lower vibrations.  Other’s anger or fear makes them uncomfortable, and so they put on a [...]

Playing Detective

2018-01-16T08:28:24-05:00January 16th, 2018|

We cannot emphasize strongly enough how important it is to pay attention to that which catches your attention.  You may wish to call these “snags.”  How else are your guides and loved ones going to get your attention?  It takes an inordinate amount of energy to manifest in the physical [...]

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