We have given you the word “conscious” to use as a trigger* to take you to that place of being aware and knowing you are the Love you seek, you are the Light that greets you upon crossing the veil.  That Light burns always within you and all others.  All others.  And so, as a way to more often see those around you not as separate beings, but fellow lights, all flowing through and with each other, we wish you to see the word “conscious” written in your mind’s eye thus:  “conscio-US.”  For, in reality, there is no “I” but only US, merging into One Light.  At your level of reality—human awareness—yes, there appear to be many I’s, but this US of which we speak includes the higher levels from which your guides connect and blend with you.  Remain conscioUS and flow like water, like Light, like Love.  It is all the same, and you are That.
